Chapter 37 - A True Queen

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"Fer hu," he glanced at us suspiciously. He walked up to a gigantic weeping willow tree, and the leaves parted for him.

"Wait here,"

"Läon," I murmured.

"Fine." I translated.

Dimitri walked up to the leaves as well, and tapped on them. He tried to jump back as they wrapped around his hand, making their way up his arm. I sighed, and asked the ancient tree to release him.

He's a friend to the queen, not a foe.

"I'm not feeling very welcomed," Araxie muttered.

"Me neither," grumbled Delina.

"Hush, all will be well soon," I said, glancing in their direction.

"Masandrod gvin fiś ÿot masandra," the sprite muttered, stalking away from our group.

"My queen will see you,"

"Faasetan," I mumbled.

"Thank you,"

"Someone's grumpy," Dimitri mumbled.

We walked through the now-parted leaves, and saw a beautiful woman lounging in the tree. Her chest was covered by a bralette of willow leaves and bark. Her 'lady part' was covered by a skirt fashioned like it's top. On her head sat a gorgeous willowy crown, complete with beautiful flowers that seemed to take root in her tangled hair. (see past chapter's pic -HAIR ONLY)

"Welcome, young ones." she said, her voice silky and smooth.

"How could someone's voice be silky?" I questioned.

"I don't know, but her's somehow is." Addy mumbled.

"You speak English?" Liam asked.

"I do," she lifted her eyebrow in amusement.

"Finally, someone that does," Araxie added.

"Guys," I hissed, embarrassed.

"It's alright, Cassandra," she laughed.

"How do you know my name?" I snapped. My eyes widened, and I covered my mouth. "Forgive me, your majesty. I mean no harm."

"It's fine," she nodded. "I am as connected to this forest as you are. I see through all of the trees, and the plants. The very essence of the forest is connected to mine. I feel each step you take through the grass, each branch you broke to get to where you are now. I felt the forest accept you, Cassandra, as it has me."

"Woah," Addy whispered.

I knelt down, dropping my head in respect.

"She is a true queen," I whispered. "Not a fake."

The rest of my group quickly followed me to their knees.

"My queen, true ruler of the forest, would you grant us a favor?" I asked, still kneeling

"I know already what you seek, young one," she smiled at me. "And please, stand up."

We rose as a group.

"Miss, where lies the witch?" Delina asked politely.


"One of my sprites will lead you to her,
follow him closely and stick to the path," she told us. "You have my blessing, and my hope. Succeed, Cassandra, and you'll be remembered by all."

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