Chapter 7 - Damn It

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Pain. It seared through my body, a furious river of pure agony. I could barely breathe, let alone move. I gasped for breath, my heart pounding.

"It'll be okay, I've been through this," Dimitri said. "Please live..." He muttered.

"Good... God..." I whimpered. "It... Hurts..."

"I know honey, I know," he said, stroking my hair as if I were a child. "It'll be over soon."

The pain overwhelmed me, and black spots filled my vision. I blinked frantically.

"No, no, no, no, no!" I screamed.

"What's happening?!" Dimitri asked, frantic.

I can't black out!

I was drowning in pain.

I'll be too vulnerable!

I screamed, and then the darkness took over.

A few days later...

My eyes flickered open.

Where am I?

The memories flooded my mind, overwhelming me.

Oh fuck...

"Dimitri?" I call out, trying to sit up. He ran into the room, eyes wide.

"You're awake!" he yelled. I clasped my hands over my ears, whimpering in pain. "Fuck, I'm so sorry! I forgot how sensitive newbie's ears are." I made a face, and attempted to speak. It was then that I realized my throat was dried up.

"Water," I croaked.

"Sure thing," he said. He ran out of the room, and came back with a cup of water, and a bag of blood. I made another face. "I think you might need this in a minute."

"Water?" I asked, my hand outstretched. He handed it to me, and I downed it. "Much better," I said. I sat up, and stretched. "Why do I need blood?"

"You're a vampire, hun. You are going to want it as soon as it's open," he said, chuckling.

"I doubt it," I said, my eyebrow raised.

"Let's test it," he said. He ripped a small hole in the bag, and the bitter scent filled my senses. I breathed in deeply, and blinked. I felt my teeth extend, and poke my lower lip.


My eyes widened.

"Told you," he said. He passed me the bag, and I grabbed it.

"How the fuck do I use these?!" I said, anxious. "God damn it!"

He laughed.

"Poke the bag with them," he said. "Then drink. It'll come naturally."

I held the blood bag next to my mouth, and poked it experimentally with my fang.

"Where?" I asked. He pointed to a spot on the bag, and I sunk my teeth into it. The tangy taste filled my mouth, and I drank. I drank, and I drank, and I drank until the bag was empty.

"Damn, girl! I don't think I've ever seen someone drink so fast," he said, shocked.

"I want more," I said. "Can I have more?"

"No. You'll upset your just-transformed organs," he told me.

"Damn it! I want more!" I got up, and started jogging out of the room. The speed at which I moved was incredible. I was out of the room, accelerating down the hallway of doors, towards the kitchen. Just as I reached the end of the hallway, I was jerked backwards, into a hard chest. The breath was knocked out of me.

"I said no, I meant no," he grumbled. "Damn thirsty newbies."

"Let me go, damn it! I'm hungry!" I yelled, thrashing in his arms.

"Kacie! Stop!" He yelled at me, his arms tightening. "You aren't hungry for blood! You're just plain hungry!" I froze.

"How exactly do you know that?" I ask, narrowing my eyes.

"I was a new vamp at one time, you stupid!" he yelled. "Blood overdose is like drug overdose! It can kill you!"

"Oh fuck. Thanks for stopping me, I guess," I say, glancing over at the wall. I noticed his arm, still wrapped around me, and his muscles.

Damn, those biceps!

I shook my head.

Stop thinking those thoughts, me! He's too old for you!

"You can let me go now," I said.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," he said. He slowly unwrapped his arms from my body, and I shivered. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed him frowning.



"Let's just get me some damn food."


Hey! I had a break in school work, and decided it had been too long since I updated. Soooo, enjoy the SUPER long chapter!


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