Chapter 18 - Pale Blue Wings

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I fell through the dirt, like some Alice in Wonderland gone wrong. I felt like a ghost, sinking through the solidity of the rocks with no way of getting up.

"Dimitri, you dickbutt!" I screamed, right before my head went under. I heard him laugh.


I called out to the forest, pleading for help as soon as I stopped sinking. My anger towards Dimitri encouraged the forest, and I felt it grab him, and trap him in a cage of thorny vines once again. I felt something coil around my wrist, and I froze. Endless possibilities went through my head as to what it could be, but I soon realized that it was a vine. I relaxed, and felt the vine wrap itself around my body, covering every inch of my skin. I felt it pull me up, moving me through a hundred feet of dirt without a single scratch. As I emerged from the earth, covered in dirt like the girl from Kill Bill, I cracked my neck.

I'm going to kill that fucker.

A tree reached down, and scooped me up, hurling me towards wherever the forest had caught him.

Dimitri mother-fucking Russo Bianche, you are so fucking dead when I get to you.

I started losing altitude, and was soon caught by another tree, only to be thrown once again in the same direction. A willow tree caught me, and gently let me down, right in front of his cage.

"You, dearest Dimitri, are a fucking idiot," I snarled. "You're in a forest, with an elementist. And, you tried to trap me in my favored element."

I allowed the vines to retreat a bit, asking them to remove themselves from his ears, nose, throat, and all other nooks his body had. He gasped for breath.

I walked up to his vine wrapped body, the cage quickly slipping back into the ground. I glare at him, and he struggles against my vines. He closes his eyes, and sags in defeat once again. I drew my fist back, and hit his face as hard as I could without breaking my hand. His head snapped back, and he clenched his jaw.

"Okay, I deserved that," he said.

"That, and much, much more," I snarled. "Asshole."

I walked away, and was lifted by a tree.

"I'm going to catch up to Liam and Addy," I said, grabbing ahold of a mango in the tree I was in. "I'll let you go whenever I feel like it."

The tree lifted me higher, and flung me into the air. I closed my eyes, trusting the forest, and felt around for the connection I found earlier between me and the forest. I pushed my mental spirit through the wall of energy until I became one with the forest. I looked at Dimitri through the willow, and saw his sagging body in a cocoon of vines. I smiled, and felt my body being caught and thrown by another tree.

Keep him safe.

A wall of thorns appeared around him, and he smiled, shaking his head.

"Thank you," I heard him whisper.

I flew over the forest, mentally and physically. I searched for two wolves, looking through the trees for any intruders.


They were close. I could feel it. I opened my eyes, and noticed that I was descending once again. A tree caught me, and I ran along it's branches, keeping pace with the wolves on the ground. I let out a high pitched whistle, and the both stopped, spraying dirt every where. They growled, looking around for the noise. I hopped down.

"You know, I just landed in a tree," I said, shaking my head. "You didn't notice that?"

They both shifted, and I blinked. They were fully clothed.

"Christ, Terra," muttered Liam.

"You scared us both," added Addy.

"My bad," I smiled.

"Where's Russo?" questioned Liam.

"Being punished for being an ass," I scowled. He laughed.

"What'd he do?" asked Addy.

"He used his power to trap me underground after I grew a tree in front of him because he cheated," I muttered.

"Wow," said Addy.

"Ugh, hold on," I scowled again. "I feel guilty for leaving him there, even though it's only been like 10 minutes."

I closed my eyes, and followed my path back to the willow. I saw Dimitri there, still wrapped in vines, but I also saw a bunch of wild wolves surrounding the thorny barricade I set up.

"Shit," I murmured.

I guided the willow's branched towards him, and flung him into the air with more force than I meant to.

Shit! He's going to hit us!

I opened my eyes, but too late. He was ten feet away from us. I closed my eyes, and held out my hands, waiting for him to hit us. After a minute, I cracked an eye open. My jaw dropped, and my hands fell to my sides.

I heard gasps from Addy and Liam, and Dee's eyes were wide.

"What in the world?" I said, shocked. I felt my hair whipping around, like I was outside in a hurricane.

I heard Liam and Addy whispering, and Addy turned to me.

"Is that what I think it is?" she asked.

"If you're thinking my air power, I think so," I whispered. Suddenly, Dimitri dropped from the air, landing heavily on top of Liam. I cracked up, but suddenly gasped in pain. I let out a scream, and arched my back, trying to get rid of the agony searing through my back.

"Fuck!" I screamed, to no one in particular.

"What the fuck is going on?!" yelled Dimitri. I clutched at my back, not answering. I saw and heard Addy falling to her knees and start mumbling, probably praying. I crumpled to the ground, twitching. I clenched my fists, as I felt the pain slowly fade away. I was breathing heavily, and I saw Dimitri fall to the ground beside me, placing my head in his lap.

"Breathe, Terra," he soothed. "It's okay, just breathe."

I looked at Liam and Addy, who were holding hands and gazing at me with worry.

"Stay there," I ordered. I shuddered, and grew a dome of vines around us, surrounding us in darkness. (Oh, all the things I could have made happen here ;) ) I had a vine move, allowing some light in. I pulled off my shirt.

"What the fuck are you doing, Terra?" yelped Dimitri, who blushed and shaded his eyes.

"Oh shush, Dimitri," I smirked a little. "Look at my back, is there anything else there besides th-"

He cut me off with a gasp.

"Holy shit, T!" he shrieked. "You've got another tattoo!"

"I thought so," I muttered. "What does it look like?"

"It's a pale blue-ish color," he cocked his head. "Like, curling a little around the other one, but going down your arms instead of your back. It sorta looks like wings, if you think about it."

"Air," I whispered. He nodded. "Remind me again what the other looks like?"

"It starts at the nape of your neck," he looked closer. "And curls a little down your back."

"Do they look nice?" I asked.

He snorted.

"More than nice," he said, smiling.

"Thanks," I murmured, pulling my shirt back on. He sighed.

"They're probably freaking out right now," he commented.

"It wouldn't surprise me," I said. I allowed the vines to slither back into the ground, and we stood. "Hey, guys-"

We froze.


Well then. Decently recent update?

^ self applause

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