Chapter 24 - Girlfriend?

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"You're such a weirdo," Dimitri snorted. We were playing 20 questions, and he had asked what my favorite desert was, and apparently french fries and ice cream was the wrong answer.

"Don't knock it till you've tried it, Russo," I laughed. "It's the shit."

"Correction, it is shit," he laughed harder at my glare. "Your turn."

This continued for a few hours. I was getting pretty tired, and yawned.

"You wanna call it a day?" he asked.

"Sure, but you're spending the night," I smiled tiredly. I pulled him down next to me on the bed, and curled up next to him. He rolled onto his side, and played with my hair. Eventually, he reached behind him, and turned the light off.

"Goodnight, lovely," he murmured, throwing an arm over my torso. He pulled me close to him, and I relaxed.


I woke up to loud banging on my door.

"Oi, lovebirds, up you get," yelled Liam.

"Seriously, we've been here for a day and you're already fucking?" Addy yelled, laughing. I stormed over to the door, dressed in sweats and a tanktop, and yanked it open.

"Shut the fuck up," I growled, and slammed the door.

"Let's go into town," Addy said, laughing.

"Fuck off," yelled Dimitri. I yanked the door back open.

"And by the way, we didn't fuck. Unlike somebody," I glared at Addy, and slammed the door again.

I stalked back into my bedroom, and looked for Dimitri. Hands slipped around my waist, and I jumped.

"Christ, Dimitri," I shrieked. He laughed.

"You're adorable," he laughed, practically prancing around me, and booped my nose.

"Shut up," I glared, and flopped onto the bed. "Come here and cuddle again."

"Only for like an hour, kay?" he asked.

"If you insist," I groaned. He crawled into bed, and wrapped his arms around me again. I sighed, and traced his tattoo-


"Dimitri," I started. "When did you get a tattoo?"

"I've had it for a long time, princess," he smiled.

"How have I not seen this before?" I gaped.

"How often have you seen me shirtless?" he shot back.

"Fair enough," I grunted. I laid back down, and continued tracing it. When my index finger got close enough to his boxers, he shivered. I smirked. "What's wrong, Dimitri?"

"Nothing," he muttered. I continued tracing it's swirls, going around almost his entire torso. He grunted, and flipped us over. I squeaked.

"Mitri?" I asked. He had propped himself up with his elbows, and was about an inch away from my skin.

"Hmm?" he murmured.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Nothin," he smirked. "Hey, are you ticklish?"

I froze, and then forced myself to relax. I looked up at him, forced calm.

"Nope," I said.

"You sure?" he saw right through my facade, and smirked even harder. He reached down to my sides, and tried to poke me. I rolled us over, and ended up straddling him.

"I decided that we should just go with them into town," I stated.

"To be continued," he laughed. We got up, and he left to go change.

I walked into my closet, and turned, looking for normal clothes. I grabbed a pair of ripped jean shorts, a red, white, and blue flannel, and a white tank top. I changed into the outfit, and got ready to leave. After putting on some mascara and grabbing my phone, I left.

"Dee?" I called, knocking on his door. Arms curled around my waist, and I rolled my eyes. "Again?"

"Hey beautiful," a voice I didn't recognize said. I flailed my arms and twisted out of his grip. A vine shot up out of the marble floor, cracking it, and wrapped around his body.

"Who the fuck are you?" I snarled. He gaped at me, and shouted.

"Let me go! Guards!"

They came running, but I was ready. I channelled the air around my body, and created a wind shield. It whipped around me, almost a perfect circle, and my hair flew.

"Back away from the sexual harrasser," I snarled. "And stay the hell away from me."

The king and queen ran into the hallway, and looked at the mess.

"What is going on here?" the king yelled.

"This dick for brains was sexually harassing me, and I stopped it," I stood up straight.

"Aydan?" the queen gaped. "Is that you?"

The dumbass sighed.

"Yes mother, it's me," he rolled his eyes. "Mom, this whore isn't giving me what I want."

"I am not a whore," I shrieked. The vines clenched around his body, shutting him up. "You came onto me, asshat. Fuck off."

He yelled against the vine over his mouth. The queen looked at me, and I sighed.

"If he apologizes to me, I'll let him go," I smirked. He flipped me the bird. "You tryin to stay trapped? Cause that's how you stay trapped."

His shoulders sagged, and I pulled out my phone. I allowed the vine to slip off of his mouth, and pressed record.

"I'msorry," he muttered.

"Louder." I stated.

"I'm sorry," he said, getting frustrated.

"Louuuder," I sang.

"I'm sorry!" he yelled.

"All is forgiven, but none is forgotten," I fake smiled at him, and released him. Dimitri opened his door, and gaped at me.

"Prince Aydan!" he said, smiling. "How've you been? What've you been up to?"

"Sexually harassing innocent bystanders," I muttered.

"What?" asked Dimitri.

"Your buddy over here was groping me," I glared.

"You little bitch," Aydan snarled. He lunged at me, and I twisted my finger, recreating my shield.

"Oh, shut up," I rolled my eyes. A tiny vine curled around his ankle, and he jumped, trying to stomp on it. It shot over to me, and curled up my body.

"Dimitri, your whore is a bitch," he snarled.

"Don't call her either of those, ever," Dimitri snarled. "I don't care who you are, no one talks about my girlfriend like that."

I smiled.

"Come on, Mitri," I said. "Let's leave the pussy alone to whine about things he'll never get."

He looped his arm through mine, and we walked off.

"So, girlfriend huh?" I giggled at his pale face.

"It just slipped out, um, sor-" he stumbled over his words.

"All good, Dee," I smiled. "Don't mind."

"Would you like to be?" he asked.

"If you'd like me to be," I smiled.

"If I didn't, why would I ask?"





you'll see Ayden later, promise ;)


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