Chapter 38 - Witch

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"Dera," he muttered, anger apparent.


"Dündâ se," he snarled, stalking off at a slower pace.

"Follow me,"

I growled lowly, and he slowed even further. We followed him for a while, and then stopped as he halted in front of a sketchy looking cave.

"Hu," he said, pointing into the black abyss of the cave.


"Faasetan," I mumbled.

"Thank you,"

He gave me a sharp nod, and then stalked off, fading into the forest. I shot a hesitant glance at the cave, and looked back at my friends. They were all tense, sharing practically the same nervous look. I internally laughed.

"You guys stay here," I said. "I'll go in alone."

Their shoulders sagged in relief, and then Dimitri straightened. "No. I'm coming," he stated, leaving no room for argument.

Unless you were me.

"No, you're not." I snarled, then turned around and walked into the cave. I sent a line of thick vines shooting up in front of the entrance, blocking the entry and exit. I gulped as most of my light was cut off, and walked deeper. I could hear the trickling of water along hard stone. I heard a quiet slithering noise, like a sword drawing from it's scabbard. I lit my hand on fire, my powers giving me no pain. I saw a hunched figure in the corner of the cave, and stalked quietly towards it. It lunged at me, a dagger glinting in the low light. My flame flared up, and the creature fell back, scrambling away from me.

"Cröl ûs masandra?" she croaked, speaking in the tongue of the sprites.

"Who are you?"

"Do you speak English?" I asked, tired of the sprite's language

"Näu èn e mïn tindä." she coughed, her frail form looking like it would break.

"Not in a long time,"

"Well, do so now." I said.

"Nä!" she screeched.


"You will!" I yelled, anger rising. My fire grew larger, overtaking my arm, and crawling down my body.

"Crì fiś näu!" she shrieked

"I will not!"

"You," I snarled, pausing. "Will!"

She froze, and the cave went silent.

"You," she wheezed. "You have much power, young one."

I nodded.

"What is it you seek?" she asked.

"Safe passage to the kingdom of the dark," I replied immediately. "The Land of the Sacred Scroll."

"And what would I get in return?" she whispered, a smirk in her voice.

"What is it you would want, tahinü?" I sneered.

"Prove to me that you are worthy, Cassandra Romanov. That is all I want," she whispered.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

"The very earth whispered of your arrival, Cassandra. One only had to listen to what it said," she said gently. I paused.

"I have an idea," I said, casting my magical fire to a spot on the floor. "Bear with me."

I reached up to the high ceiling of the cave, and beckoned towards the rocks. They creaked, and a hollow stone tendril slowly reached down, and curled around, creating a very beautiful stone sculpture. I then took my fingers, and carefully touched the very top of the sculpture, sending the fire deep within the stone. In parts where the rock was thinner, you could see the glimmer of the flames. I then reached into my pocket, and found a tiny seed, the same one I had found earlier that day. It had been under a small vine under a rock ledge. I placed it in the middle of the curvy sculpture, resting it in a hollow I built specifically for it. I reached out to the forest, and felt the life of the tiny seed. I pushed energy into the seed, forcing it to grow. It grew, and grew, and grew, until it too became a part of the sculpture. It had become a vine, wrapping around the stone. A few flowers had sprouted, almost completing the look. I held out my hand, palm up, and gathered some wind. It began to form a tiny tornado in my palm, and I gently placed it on the top of the sculpture, in another hollow made for this purpose. I stepped back, and dusted off my hands. I turned around, and saw the witch crying softly, her hands covering her mouth.

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