Chapter 4 - What?

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"Wait what do you mean, turned me?" I whisper-yelled. I felt woozy, and almost tipsy.

"Well, um, you see," he started, shaking nervously.


"Well? Do continue your sentence! Let's try to not stutter this time, okay?" I asked, mockingly. He glared at me.
Clearing his throat, he spoke.

"I was startled by something and I may have accidentally emptied your body of blood," he says, biting his lip.


"What the hell? How does that 'accidentally' happen?" I ask. "And what exactly do you mean by 'turned me'?" I ask, upset, confused, and furious.

Little fucker.

"In response to your first question, I already told you! I was startled!" he whisper-yells at me. "As for your second question, well, it basically means you either take some of my blood," he pauses and shivers. A look of disgust fills his face, and he continues. "And possibly live through the painful transition into Vamp-hood, or you die a VERY painful death. Either way, you are put in pain, and could possibly die."

Fuck my life.

"Well, since it seems as though its die either way, but possibly live dead forever. Before I decide, I'd like to know what qualities you vamps posses. Any super senses, or strenght?" I ask, forcing calmness. He looks at me strangely, and answers me.

"Well, actually, there are a few bonuses. We vampires have super strength, as you guessed. We also have extremely strong senses, as you guessed. Along with those, there is also one thing ALL vamps posses. It is different for each vampire, and-" I interrupt him.

"What is it?" I asked, interested.

"Well, you would've already known by now if you hadn't interrupted me," he says, glaring at me. "As I was saying, all Vampires posses a power. It can be over one of the elements, technology, anything really," he says, shocking me into silence.

Damn, I know what I'm choosing!

I look up at him, and smile.

"Gimme your blood, bitch," I say, smirking. He frowns.

"Before I do, you should know something. The thing I was talking about earlier, the one that startled me, it was a group of rogue vampires. These are highly dangerous, unpredictable vampires. If I turn you, they'll smell my blood, and come running. If you really want to do this, you'll have to come to my house," he tells me, serious. "That way they can't smell you."

"Done. I'm always willing to leave this hell-hole," I say, shaking my head.

"Pack up whatever you need to last a few weeks. You'll need that to recover, and learn about your new form," he tells me.

I pack quickly, and quietly. In about 10 minutes, I'm done. I stand, and stare at my small backpack full of clothes, my few valuables, and necessities.

"Are you ready?" he asks when I stand up.

"Sure am," I say.

"Hop on my back, we'll be moving fast. Make sure you keep your eyes closed. They'll be wind-burned if you don't," he tells me. I nod, pull on the backpack, and climb on his back.

"Let's go," I tell him. He nods, and we're off.
Hey guys, it's me. Sorry again for Wattpad's fucking idiocy. Here's a nice chapter to hold you over until the next one. This didnt go exactly as planned, especially after Wattpad deleted my other one, but I like how it turned out. Anyway, hope u all enjoyed it... Until next time!

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