Chapter 10 - Tap

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After putting on some new gym clothes, I stroll out of my walk in closet. I tip toe across the room, tuning into my super-hearing. I reach my door, and try to hear if anyone is in the hallway. After a few minutes of absolute silence, I hear the wood floor outside my door creak, as if someone had stepped on it. I smirk, and reach for the door handle.

That son a bitch is leaning on my door... Oh, the possibilities!

I grab the handle, and slowly turn the lock, so as to not make any noise. Stepping lightly towards the right of the door, I reach out for the handle, and quickly turn it, causing the door to fly open and Dimitri to fall in.

"Oh fuck," he said.

"Oh fuck is right, retardo," I say, raising an eyebrow.

"I was just... um," he says, obviously attempting to come up with an excuse.

"Attempting to spy on me?" I ask, fake-smiling.

"Uh, no I wasn-" he said, looking anywhere but at me.

"Aww. It's okay, honey," I say, baby-talking. "Shall we head to the gym?"

He shook his head, his eyes closed.

The idiot is still on the floor...

"Sure," he says.

We exit my room, and head down the hallway to a door I haven't opened yet.

It must be the gym.

He opens the door, and I see that I was correct in assuming that.

"Well, here we are," he said. "Let's start off with what you already know how to do."

I smirk.

"Fine by me," I say. "I hope there are no hard feelings over this."

He snorts.

"Mmkay, sweetheart," he says. "Are you ready?"

We walk over to the mats set up on the ground, and I start stretching, attempting to touch my toes.

"Damn, that ass though," I hear Dimitri say.

Oh, typical men. I'll end up using that against him later on...

I roll my eyes, and straightened my body. Rolling my shoulders, I crack my knuckles.

"I'm ready," I say, rolling my head.

"About time," he says, eyebrows raised.

"Don't pretend you didn't enjoy what just occurred, asshole," I say, eyes narrowed. "And don't think I didn't hear what you said."

His eyes widen, and his cheeks turn red, as do the tips of his ears.

"Umm, I have no idea what you're talking about," he says, looking around the room. "Let's just train."

I grin.

Here goes.

He moves to the left, circling. I cock my head, but play into it, allowing myself to circle too. I stare at him, analyzing his muscles, and remembering what my teacher taught me.


I fell onto the mat, my butt hitting the ground hard. I groan, and rub my tailbone.

"Going to have to try harder than that, Kace!" he taunted me, circling around me like a predator.

Fuck no. I am no prey of his, or anyone's. Time to kick some major ass.

I stand up, and shake out my tired arms.

"Let's go," I say, flexing my toned arms.

He circled, and continued to taunt me.

"You're so weak, there's no way you could beat me."

He's trying to rile you up, Kace. You can do this. Stay calm.

"I can't believe you're still so weak, even after all of this training!"

"Wow, you've grown. Weaker, that is."

I channeled all of the anger, hate, and pain into focusing on beating him. I thought of my school, and the bullies. I thought of my dad, and his problems. And I thought of the necessary asshole in front of me, determined to make me crack.

I faked left, and as he went to dodge, flipped around and nailed him in the stomach. As he bent over, groaning in pain, I drop-kicked him, straight into his chest. He fell over with a grunt, rolling to a stop. I walked over, knees bent, ready to react. I craned my head, attempting to see his face. I moved closer to him, and as I was about to ask if he was okay, his arm shot out, jabbing me in the stomach. The air was gone, flying out of my lungs. I took a deep breath, attempting to catch it before he hit me again. I gasped for breath, as he straightened himself out.


No, I can do this.

I can do this.

I CAN do this.

I cracked my neck. He narrowed his eyes. I faked a right, dodging his fist, and jabbed right, hitting him in the stomach.

Not making the same mistake twice.

I jumped up, and kicked him in the chest, knocking him to the ground. I ran over, tense and locked my arm around his neck. He flailed around, and
I tightened my grip.

"Tap, stupid!" I yell, squeezing my arm. He stretched his arms up trying to grab me, my hair, anything.

"Let go!" he gasped.

"Tap!" I yell, anxious.




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