Chapter 1- School

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I sit in class, watching the clock as Mr. Lee drones on about the test tomorrow.

Damn this is boring...

The bell rings, and all the students rush out of the room. Well, all of them except me. I slowly put my stuff away, not in any hurry to go to lunch. I sigh when everything is packed up, and exit the room. The second the door closes, they start.

"Hey fatty, watch where you're going. No one wants to touch you on accident," Molly, the school slut sneers, her friends laughing beside her.

Ugh, piss off. I'm sooooo not in the mood for your shit right now.

But she doesn't hear me. None of them do. I'm alone in this world, and that's how I like it. I trudge down the hall, ignoring the whispers.

"Ewww, it's the mute freak. Don't let IT touch you! You might get rabies or something."

Dumb bitch, rabies is an animal only disease. Well, technically speaking we are animals.... Hmm, there's something to think about when I get home.

"Oh look, the stupid bitch is coming! Everyone hide!"

Oh, look who's talking...

I reach the doors to to the cafeteria. I sigh, and push them open.

Oh, got to love the smell of sweat, perfume, and unidentifiable gruel.

I get in line to grab food. I grab an apple, a Caesar salad, and a Sprite.

Rule one of lunch. Don't eat anything you don't recognize.

I pay, and turn around. I start to walk to the door leading outside, sidestepping a jock with a plate full of unidentifiable shit. He follows, staying in front of me.

"What's the matter slut, didn't get any last night?"

Rule two, don't let them in.

I side step the other way, and begin my walk to the door again. I hear his footsteps behind me and sigh.

Ugh, he's going to do it today too? This hoody is clean....

I turn around, and start walking towards the bathrooms, packing my food into my messenger bag.

Rule three, be prepared.

"Hey bitch! How about you choke on this?" He chucks his plate of food at me. As it drips down my body, they laugh.

I turn around, and see Molly coming at me with a cup of juice. I stand still as it's dumped down my front. I look blankly at them, and start walking to the bathrooms again.

I make it without getting food in my hair. It's up in a messy bun, hiding under a beanie. I go inside a stall, and pull out my extra change of clothes. It's another pair of jeans, and another hoody. I change quickly.

I walk out of the stall to the sinks. As I wash my hands, I stare at my reflection. I'm not fat by any standards. I've got long, naturally blood red hair, ocean-blue eyes that hide under glasses, and plump lips.

Those idiots should think of better insults, none of them are true. I'm not fat, I'm actually below the average weight. I'm not mute, I just think they don't deserve my time. I'm not stupid, my average grade is a straight A! I'm not a slut, I'm still a virgin, unlike that skank Molly.

I leave the restroom. Peeking around the door, I see an empty hall. I fast walk to the door that leads me outside. I look around, and see an empty table under a tree. I sit down and pull out my lunch. I scarf, and head to my next class, Greek Mythology. I picked it because it's easy. I already know most of it.


"Ms. Smith, care to answer the question?" My snotty bitch of a teacher asks.

"Could you repeat the question, Mrs. Lee?" I ask, the class snickering behind me.

"Who was Hercules, and why is he a hero we notice?" she says.

"His name was first Heracles, in honor of Hera. Zeus, his father, named him that with the hope that his wife would spare the child and the mortal mother. When he grew old, and was married, Hera cursed him crazy, and he killed his family. To pay for his crimes, the king sent him off to perform a series of tasks, one of which was to kill the famed Nemian lion. He skinned it, and wore it as a cape of sorts. He also wa-" I was cut off by the teacher.

"Okay, you have said enough," she told me, and continued teaching until the bell rang. I went to math, and listened for 20 minutes before falling asleep.

"Kacey!" My math teacher woke me.

"Hmm?" I yawned.

"It's time to leave. You slept through most of class, and an extra half hour," my math teacher told me.

Oh shit, it's 4:30! I have to go home and start dinner!

"Thanks Mr. Parker, I really have to get home now," I yelled as I ran to the door. I went to the bus station and got on mine.

Going home, to another form of Hell...


sooooo, how was it?


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