Chapter 41 - Lies Revealed

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k i dont even know what happened when i tried to save this it like published or SOMETHING but sorry if i gave false hope :/

We walked into the cave, following the same path as we had the week before.

"Welcome back, Miss Romanov," the witch whispered. "Oh, and you brought friends! Welcome, all of you."

Once everyone had been introduced, the witch continued what she was doing before.

"So what's going to happen no-" Araxie was cut off by a harsh whisper.

"Shut the hell up, mer," Addy snarled.

"Jeez, someone's on their peri-" I cut her off this time.

"The full moon is tonight, and Addy and Liam are both very anxious and stressed. I'd advise you to be quiet and not aggravate them," I said quietly. Her mouth dropped open, and she nodded. "Madame, how can I assist you?"

"Oh," the witch said. "Please, call me Mia Winadlo. I'm not that old."

"Mia Winadlo means keeper of  the winds. I wonder what that could mean as to what her powers are-"

"Child, stand back," she said. She raised her arms, and an enormous rush of energy settled into the room. It picked up, swirling into a solid form. "Mín de oahn yej ops tu sol?"

"Why can I not understand this language?"

"Fiew kifl miblo un tö pec. Desw fiuas ehn kopu?" the being replied.

A consciousness pushed itself onto my brain-wall, and I fought it back. It retreated, and then rushed my now semi-relaxed brain. I mentally flailed, and my wall slipped. This allowed what ever this being was to slip into my mind, and examine my truest self. It examined my memories, painfully flipping through the pages of my soul. I shoved it out, anger making me strong. It tried to get back in, and my anger swelled.

"Who the hell do you think you are, wind-beast?" I growled angrily. Everyone in the cavern froze at the power in my tone. "Stop your futile attempts at hacking into my brain, or face the wrath of me and mine ancestors."

The wind beast took a more solid form, and it's makeshift head turned to face me.

"Who are you?" It rumbled slowly. "And why do you possess the power only the Romanovs and royals carry?"

"I am Cassandra Angela Romanov, and I am sick and fucking tired of your meddling. Obey my orders, chietron." The air around us rippled with the power I was putting forth, and the being flinched back.

"Where in the hell did that word come from? What does it mean?"

My mind drew forth a phrase. Wind demon.

"What language am I speaking-"

"Enough of this, puny human. Fear me!" it threw it's arm towards me, wind assaulting my group. I threw up a shield of earth, and surrounded the being in a dome of the same element. I tightened the ball, eventually trapping the being in a baseball sized lump of earth.

"You will obey, or you will be sent back to where ever the hell you came from, chietron." I snarled.

"I obey none but myself, foolish human!" I felt it's rage through it's capsule, and forced the capsule even smaller.

"You will obey!" I yelled, fire coating the inside of my earthen sphere. The being howled in pain, and threw all of it's efforts into breaking the shell. My adrenaline made me stronger, and I held it strong. I forced the ball to become smaller and smaller, flames still coating the inside. The being roared and howled and raged, but could not get out. Finally, it admitted defeat.

"Fine, human. You have won," it said.

"Pledge yourself to my service, chietron." I said. I allowed the sphere to be a little bigger, and the fires vanished.

"I, Mitero Chietron, pledge the rest of my infinite life to this human, Cassandra Angela Romanov and her chosen descendants. I will be there when she or they call, no matter the cost. I will obey her and their every command. My life is hers," it growled out the last part.

I felt a shift in the world powers, and I cringed as I felt yet another bond snap into place in my brain.

"I accept this vow, and the responsibility it entails," I swore, chin up. I released my hold on the dirt, and it fell to the ground. Mitero collapsed, drained of all energy. I built a chair out of earth, and floated him gently to it. "Araxie, heal him."

"Yes, Cassie," she spoke quietly. She ran over to his limp body, mumbled a few words. His burns healed, and he looked better. "I am done."

"Witch, what purpose had you for bring this chietron here?" I turned on my heel and glared at her.

"I- I meant no harm," she spoke.

"She lies!" Liam growled. "I can sense it."

The witch sighed.

"I merely wished to test you once more, young Romanov," she said.

"She still lies, Cassie," Addy snarled. "There is more to this than there seems."

"You will tell us the truth, witch, or you shall face the hell I can put you through!" I said.

"You are not powerful enough to-" I interrupted her.

"I swear to you thus, witch of the winds, if you do not tell us the truth right now, you will face a hell you cannot imagine. I will strip you of your powers, and summon a demon to provide your worst fears at any and every given moment. You will be forced to live a life you despise, alone and unable to die. You will tell us the truth, or this will be your fate." She froze and the power and promise in my tone.

"Damn, Cass," Dimitri spoke up quietly.

"Cassandra, do you understand that which you have done? You may-" Delina started speaking.

"Hush. Now, witch, what shall it be?" I asked. She froze, and then spoke.

"I was forced to try and keep you away from the other world, Lady Romanov. Someone there threatened my life, and that which I care about," she said. I felt the truth in her words, but glanced back at Addy and Liam for extra support. They both nodded, furthering my thoughts.

"Fine. I accept that answer, but now you must get us across," I nodded gracefully.


And this, friends, is where the book ends. To be continued :)

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