Chapter 27 - Possibly Six

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"Oh my god," I gaped at the mystical hollow in the bramble. There was a small-ish waterfall, with water pouring into a crystal clear pool. I could see the very bottom of the pool, and tiny fish swimming amongst the bountiful water plants. I laughed, and twirled around in joy.

"So, you like it then?" At the sight of me nodding frantically, Deli smiled at me, and gestured towards the rippling pool. "Go on."

I shed my soft coverup, and slowly slipped into the water. It rippled around my ankles, and the tiny fish scattered to the deep. I took a deep breath, and dove into the pond, opening my eyes under the water. I could see everything, as if I was looking through some sort of glass. I let out a shriek of panic as I felt a hand snatch hold of my ankle. I looked down, trying to get to the surface, and saw a vicious looking mermaid with pink streaked blonde hair at the base of the pool. She smiled at me, her pointed teeth bared threateningly. I flailed my arms, but to my dismay, was dragged even deeper. I thrashed about in the water, but to no avail. Finally, I was dragged to the very base of the pond, hands and ankles tied with water weeds, and the mermaid glared at me before leaving me behind in a trail of bubbles. She took to the surface, and I followed her with my eyes. I saw Deli stepping into the pond, and panicked. I hurled my body around the floor of the one magical pool, trying to get out. I was running out of air, too, and could feel a slight pain in my lungs. I thrashed and thrashed, and suddenly, I felt my body being lifted. The reeds were pulled off of my limbs, and I pushed myself to the surface.

Did I just?

I lifted my hand, mesmerized by the tendril of water following my fingertips.

I did!

Delina let out a scream, and I whipped around. I clenched my fist, imagining the water around the nasty mermaid lifting her above the pool. Deli started sinking, the ends of her limbs tied as mine had been. I gently lifted her out of the water as well, and deposited her, coughing, on the bank of the pond. I turned my gaze to the trapped mermaid, and narrowed my eyes.

"You tried to kill us," I snarled. "Why?"

"You intruded into my home!" she sneered at me, once again baring her teeth. I let some of the water in her bubble trickle back into the pond, and she noticed the loss of space. "Let me out!"

I turned to Deli, and spoke with her for a few moments.

"What should I do?" I asked, gesturing at the angry mer behind me.

"I would suggest allowing her to bond, as Mister Liam and Miss Adriana have," she replied.

"Really?" I gaped at her. "Deli, I don't really know the spell thing to do that!"

"Don't worry, I do," she replied. "Go ahead and give her the choice."

"Okay," I turned around, and faced the mermaid. "What's your name?"

"Araxie," she gave me a blank stare. I guided the water bubble down to the ground, and it popped, letting the mermaid sit on the grass. In just a few seconds, there was a bright flash of light around Araxie, and soon enough, it faded. She stood up, all but naked, and I tossed my coverup at her. I grabbed the towels, and tossed one to Deli. "Thanks." Araxie mumbled.

"I am Terra Romanov," I smiled mentally at her shocked face.

"Oh my gods, I'm so sorry!" she clutched her head. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

"Araxie? What's wrong?" I asked, shocked by her behavior.

"You're a Romanov!" Deli and Araxie shouted simultaneously.

"And?" I gave them both blank stares.

"You're royalty, you idiot!" Deli rolled her eyes, and Araxie gaped at the way she spoke to me.

"Please forgive me, Miss Romanov!" Araxie begged. "Had I known, I'd have never- oh gosh, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine, honestly," I smiled a little at her. "I'd like to offer you a choice."

"Please do," she cocked her head.

"If you'd like, you can just stay here, live in your pond, alone, and no one will bother you," I said, gesturing at the area. "Or, you can bond to me, as others have, and you can travel with us. If you choose option two, there are a few rules."

"What are the rules?" she asked.

"First, I need you to agree to take a blood oath. I wont have anyone betraying me, ever," I said.

"Okay," she replied.

"Second, you will listen to our group, as they will you, but my word is law," I listed the second rule.

She nodded.

"Third, you are NOT to run away. Others have already experience what will happen if you anger me," I said. She nodded again.

"And lastly, you are not to harm any members of the 'group' unless told to do so by me," I said.

"How many others are there?" she asked.

"So far, there's four, including me. I'm thinking of inviting another person, and with you, that would make six," I replied, counting people.

I need to ask Delina if she'd like to join.

"I'll accept the offer, but you need to know this; if I don't have an almost constant supply of water, I'll die," she told me, very serious.

"Understood. Delina?" I glanced back at her, and she nodded. She walked over to me.

"Can you find some sort of sharp thing?" she asked. I nodded, and closed my eyes. I connected to the forest, searching for some sort of sharp rock. After about 2 minutes, I found one. I guided a vine around it, and flung the rock towards me. After following it's progress, I opened my eyes, and stopped the rock and inch from my face. The air gently floated it down into my waiting hand, and I passed it to Delina. She grabbed it, and pulled up her sleeves. "Oh, Araxie, do you have a last name?"

"It's Waters," she answered.

"Okay, you ready?" asked Deli.

After receiving a nod from Araxie and me, she sat down, pulling us with her.

"With this knife, I carve a bond, through her blood and yours," Del grabbed my left wrist, and cut my palm right over the existing scar. "By allowing me to use this knife, you, Araxie Waters, vow to follow the terms agreed set by Terra Romanov. Are you ready for these terms to be set in blood?"

"I am," said Araxie. Deli then slit her left palm, and pushed our palms together. I shuddered at the new bond forming.

"Alright, you need anything from here?" I asked, the forest wrapping my hand in a healing leaf. She extended hers, and got the same treatment.

"Yeah, just a minute," she shed the clothing, and jumped into the water. I then realized it was getting dark, and turned to Deli.

"Yo, how are we getting back?" I asked, gesturing at the darkening sky.

"There's a tunnel behind the falls," she replied, pointing.

Then, Araxie's blonde head popped up out of the water. She threw a reed-woven bag towards me, and pushed herself out of the water. After a minute or two, we were ready to go. Deli led the way, and we carefully walked behind the falls, clutching at the slick rock in front of us.



idefk how I managed to update this rn but eh whatever

going on a trip in a few days, will write more on the plane :)) enjoyyyy


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