Chapter 2

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Heer's POV-

"I'm not so sure about it, do you think this looks good sai?" I asked Saira.

"Babe, you look fire. Shub will be drooling over you."

I was dying to say a yes, though I love this bodycon fit and mini dress but I know he doesn't like this type of clothing.

"I hope." I replied dicey.

Suddenly the bell rang,
"He is here, he is here." I raved in enthusiasm.

I ran to open the door, and he was standing in black formals with a rose in his hand, and I can't handle this perfection.

He handed me the rose.

"Shubb! I have one heart, how many times you wish to win it?" I almost cried at this point.

He blushed, and I welcomed him inside.

"You're looking so fine." I complimented.

"Yup, and you're wearing that?"

"What's wrong with that?"

"It's good but...." before he completed Saira walked in the room.

"Hey Shubi." she gave a hi-five to him.

"How've you been Sai?" he asked.

"Great, I've a lot to talk but firstly the way you played in the last match, amazing."

"Yah, I too have a lot to talk but meanwhile let's give Heer some time to quickly change while we jibber jabber." he said trying to instruct me.

Saira looked towards me wide eyed, even it's difficult for her too, to realise that how manipulative is he being.

I don't want to upset him as he was here only for a day and it's special. So, I got inside to change.


I wore a full length dress, and they were still talking when I entered.

"My girl is here making me almost die with her beauty, I'll talk to you Sai sometime very later." he spoke.

I smiled over this, though I didn't intended to but he always makes me happy.

"Enjoy you guys, wishing you many more years like this." she mentioned.

I mouthed a bye to her as we left.

In the car~

I was scrolling on my phone, and soon his eyes shifted to me, "You still like that?"

He continues, "Look Heer, I'm really sorry if you're upset, but you already knew that I don't really love those dresses on you, because I see myself with you very long in future and I genuinely believe that no two are exactly same, it's the way we complete each other.
You as well liked me clean shaved, boom not a single facial hair from the past year and I have dumped those  slides too a few months back.
But honestly, I'm no one to force you, it's your choice what to wear, I'm sorry."

"It was not that a big of a deal and I'm not upset at all, lastly you like like  hundred times handsome without  beard."

Suddenly his phone rang, it was his mom, "Hey just a min." he spoke and I nodded.

"Mai friends de naal c maa,(I'm with my friends mom) I'll talk to you later." I heard him on the call.

I closed my eyes tight. Is there a way to unhear this? cause I want to. He just said that he sees me in future but has to lie about me.
We are not child anymore, atleast we can be straight forward.

"Don't sleep, we're almost there." his faint voice came.

"I'm just taking a nap, rough day at work, and don't worry there'll be traffic." I sheepishly spoke to escape the moment.


"Heer, let's go." he woke me up.

I nodded. He grabbed my hand as we got inside this beautiful place.

We were on a rooftop restaurant, similar to the place where he proposed me.

"Been an year, but this still feels so great to even remember.."

"It's really pretty Shub."

"It's nothing-" he took a pause as he tried to control a tear.

I gripped his hand stronger,
"It's not-nothing infront of you and what you've given to me." he smiled.

"I love you." I spoke misty eyed, crying at any moment.

I pulled him closer, and kissed. Even perfection is an underrate to describe this.

"I noticed it again, Mr gill don't love me too?" I laughed.

"Just a joke, well I'll just go to the loo and you sit here, I'll be back soon."

He nodded.

I entered the washroom, and I was washing my hands after use when I heard a voice of a girl crying.

It was getting louder with every second, I followed the voice and it was from the other end.

A girl was sitting on a chair with her face on the other side still crying. I kept a soft hand on her shoulder and turned her face slowly towards me.

It was me! I was the one crying on the chair. "He doesn't love you." the voice of myself spoke and I screamed.

"HEER! HEER!Wake up!" Shub's voice came.

I woke up terrified and I was still asleep in the car, wait it was a dream, a nightmare actually.

"Oh my god! I'm so scared."

"Ok calm down, take a deep breath heer." he said holding my hands.

I broke down and he wrapped his arms around me in a comforting hug.
"Ok let's not talk about it but no more crying, I'm here." he rubbed my back.

"Would you leave me?" I asked.

"What? Never, it's strange you dreamt something like that but I'm always there for you, because I um love you like the moon loves darkness n sunshine loves the morning or like a fat person loves hamburger." he kissed my forehead.

I laughed then we slowly cuddled in for a kiss.


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Said I Loved You, But I Lied |Abhishek Sharma & Shubman Gill| (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now