Chapter 16

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Heer's POV-

I locked the door of room and cried my eyes out perhaps for an hour. Then all of a sudden a thought struck to me, I got up and started taking my clothes out. I just can't live with her anymore.

I was packing, when my phone rang on the mattress. I gazed from above, it was Abhay. I ignored it, but he called again then again, and maybe 8-9 times more but I didn't answered.

Someone knocked the door, wait now he is here, I scratched neck in frustration.

I ran and opened the door to reveal Shubman standing there.
"What were you doing there?" He asked in a flat, expressionless tone.

He took a step ahead, but his eyes were freezed on me. "Shub listen-" I backed off when his chest bumped into my head.

"No you tell me, why were you there?" He kept on stepping towards me, while I kept striding back.

I slammed into the table unknowingly, gashed my thigh from the edge, and instantly blood started trickling down. There was a vase over it which he picked up and whanged it on the left wall, shattering it into pieces.

My eyes were opened to the fullest extent, "For god's sake, Shubman please stop. Sit we can talk about it."

He came at some ease after all, sat on the couch and told, "You know very well that this has been the biggest concern of mine, and I don't know why would you do that if I was so persistent about it."

"So you want me to apologise for it?" I raised a brow.

"No, not at all, I know that you won't have done this by yourself. Someone called you there?"

I tilted my head away.

"You never wanted to come for the sake of game, but to see me and today it was not about me. It was Abhay, right?" He retorted.


Suddenly the door banged open, it was Abhay. He was panting breathlessly, while Shub gave a death stare.

"Ok, so mr friend is here too, or something more than that?" He grimaced me.

"Shubm-" Abhay intruded and I moved my head sideways.

"Heer, are you out of your mind? You'll date him now, you know the word, 'commitment' right?" Shub spoke out of frustration.

"You know that? After hooking up with multiple girls, you believe in that?" I said with a straight face.

"Uhm, shit you know that?" His voice changed from condescending to caring in a second.

"I think we should end this." I told straight up with tears shredding out.

"I made a mistake and there is no way I can turn it back but I love you, I really do. You can punish me in anyway, I promise I would never repeat this but please don't leave me." He gripped my hand stronger.

"Shub, I loved you too but I always wanted you to be mine, and that didn't happen so it's better to break-"

He cutted in, "No please, you can take sometime off me, I'll not disturb you at all. You can think through this, please for me."

I took a sharp gasp to mouth "Ok" though I was very clear but he requested.

"Where is Sai though?" He asked.
"Maybe in her room."

"Ok then, I'll see you later." He told and left.

Abhay was still standing there, I strided inside and he followed me.
I picked up my bag, when he asked, "Where are you going?"

"Don't know where but I am moving out."
"You can move to my place if you're comfortable." He suggested.

"I don't know if that's a good idea." I told sheepishly.

"Maybe a hotel for few days?" I added.

As I was about to leave, Sai came running from her room and stood in the hallway. Her eyes were swollen red, she was staring down when I took out my bunch of keys and kept it on the table.

"Heer, come." Abhay's voice came from the staircase, then I left.


At the hotel~

We checked in into a hotel and I got the room. I still couldn't stop crying, someone knocked the door. I opened and it was Abhay with a packet.

I moved aside to let him enter, "Here miss." He called.
He took out a bandage and applied it on the wound over my thigh.

He lightly punched on it, "Aw that hurts." I smacked on his shoulder and he laughed.

"I told you to call room service, did you?" He asked and I didn't replied.

"You can do better tasks then crying." He shook his head and ordered something.

A little later, he called "Come, its here."
"But I'm not hungry please." I sat on the bed.
"No if and buts."

He threatened me to eat, so he fed the spaghetti like a parent.

"Won't you have some?"
"No, I'm full." He replied while literally inserting food in my mouth.
"You just had the match." I facepalmed.

Abhishek's POV-

"Hey you got it down your bottom lip." I said and she wiped.
"No the other side." and she wiped again.

"Wait." I moved closer to her and wiped with thumb. Her breath intensified straight away.

"You don't need to worry, I ain't gonna do anything until it's all resolved." I told.

"And what are you going to do after its resolved?" She teased.
"Uhm, I'll do this-" I tickled her stomach.

"Stop-" She laughed loud and laid down on the bed.

"Are you sure about it?" She raised a brow.
"Obviously you like me."

"When you still wear the same chain, when you told me that you are new here, to talk but you are living here for 6 years." I listed.
"It's called being friendly."

"Acha ok, now close your eyes." I instructed.
"No questions." I replied.

She closed her eyes, when I spoke, "You won't accept, but can I tell you my secret." I caressed her hairs.

"Won't you tell anyone?"
"Ofcourse" she said.

"I love you." I whispered in her ear.
She smiled, "No smiling." I stated.
"Ok, no smiling."

"I admit that it's not my first time saying this to anyone but it's indeed my last."
I continued, "And with you it's so different, my love for you is so pure that I don't even feel the need to touch you to embrace it, because it comes from here-."

"Please please can I see from where??" She chided.
"From heart idiot-", "ok got it." She hushed.

"And I won't ask you for a reply, if you feel it or not, my feelings would remain the same forever, till infinity."
I played with her hair.

I shook her but she slept, so I slowly pecked her forehead and left.


It took me a while to write this chapter, but I hope you liked it.
Like& Comment <3.

Said I Loved You, But I Lied |Abhishek Sharma & Shubman Gill| (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now