Chapter 13

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Heer's POV-

"Because now I know you and I know that a person like him doesn't deserve a girl like you, I do." He said.

"I don't expect you to answer anything, it's just the way I feel." He quickly added.

"Abhay, I'll just go home now. Sai might be searching for me." I made up.

"You are gonna go by yourself? It's 3 in the morning, I'll drop you." He replied.

"No, it's very near, I'll be good." I stood up stepping towards the door.

"You good, right?" Abhay shouted from the balcony.

"Yah, right now I have a lot to think, but I swear I am gonna call you in morning. Bye." I spoke.


I opened the door gently, so that Sai couldn't hear me entering. I gazed at the couch, and she was still sleeping like a horse, thank god!

I walked inside and laid down on my bed. I closed my eyes in the hope to get some sleep but only random thoughts keep popping in my mind.

I checked the time when it was 7 in morning. So I got up and started preparing for leaving to office.

I took a long shower to ease myself. I was then brushing my hair when I heard some sound from the other room.

Sai was sleeping there, so I crept inside and took up her phone which was making some sound of notification.

I came out of her room, when again it beeped. It was someone messaging her continuously, I turned the phone around annoyed.

I looked at the person who was texting and it was none other than Shub. What is left for him now?

The message said-

"Dude got really fucked up last night.
But Abhay saved me.
I'll be at yours by evening."

What the hell, Sai was involved in this too? And she didn't even told me about it. What a lucky day, my boyfriend and now my best friend betrayed me.

I suppressed my raising temper, and left for the office.


I was in the middle of work. My phone flashed, it was Abhay's text so I read- "Hey can I call you?"

Shit I forgot to call him. I came out and dialled his number,

A- Hi, hope you are not mad on me for last night.

H- If I listed out million reasons why I am mad, even then you won't be counted in it.

A- What happened then?

H- Sai knew it too about the reality, but she never told me.

A- Your bestfriend?!

H- I don't know why she didn't told me, luckily I saw Shub's texts on her phone.

A- Does she know that you saw?

H- No, not till and I want to keep it like this for a few days to see what extent of deceiving they both can go upto.

A- As you like it, I too haven't told Shub that you saw him last night.

H- Ok, is he still there?

A I am at training actually, the match is just next to tomorrow but hungover him couldn't come.

H- Oh ok, you continue with it. I'll talk to you later.

A- Ok bye.


Shubman's POV-

I was randomly scrolling on phone.
"When are you going to drink this coffee? It has freezed till now." Sai complained.

"Let her come dude." I told ruffling my hair.

Immediately someone knocked the door, "She is here!"
She ran to open the door.

"Look whose here-" she gushed and shifted to one end, obviously it was Heer. I was sitting on the couch, "Ain't you surprised?!" She exclaimed.

"Why won't I be? My sweetheart came back from work." I grinned.
"Hi." She muttered restlessly.

"Come sit here na." I called.
"I'll just change." She strided inside.

"What happened to her?" I whispered to sai and she simply shrugged.
I ran inside to follow her. I peeped in the kitchen where she was drinking water.

I slowly walked closer to her. Wrapping my arms around her, I mumbled, "My baby is tired." Caressing her face I pecked her forehead while her eyes were freezed on the floor.

"Can I be fortunate enough to see that pretty face?" I grinned. She gradually looked up at me. I moved closer to her inch by inch while she remained firm at that spot.

As I was about to kiss, "Guyss!" Sai barged in. Heer walked out seeing her.

"What the-, I tried so hard to calm her and look you ruined it." I shouted on Sai.

"Um sorry, but I was here just to tell that I'll be out for a few hours. You can do the mating process in the mean time." She patted on my shoulder.

"Not a great choice of word what so ever, but thanks, just go out." I said.

Heer's POV-

I changed my clothes into a tshirt and shorts. I was just dabbing my face with a towel when I felt his arm snaked around my waist.

He tweaked me around, "Sent away the trouble, now tell me where were we?" He blushed showing his dimples.

He moved ahead with the kiss, and gently slid his hand inside my top. I pressed his hand, and shook my head.

"Periods?" He raised a brow.
"Yah." I nodded to lie.

"I'd have brought your favourite chocolate if you told me earlier, but let's just chill." He held my hand.

We both were watching friends, when he laughed out "Whatever but Ross's pants are cool, I'll buy them unless I need a lotion."

"Yah." I said in a straight voice.
"What happened?" He pouted.

He enfolded around my waist, and rested his head on my tum. "I'm sorry if I made any mistake."

I pecked his head, and whispered misty eyed, "You didn't do anything, it was my mistake that I couldn't see it."


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Said I Loved You, But I Lied |Abhishek Sharma & Shubman Gill| (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now