Chapter 11

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Heer's POV-

Next day-

Shub has always been my priority, I can't turn back it from now. I won't lie to him ever again, neither talk to Abhay again.

Shub is so perfect, and being with a person like him is a dream come true. I'll be very committed in this relationship.

"What're you thinking?" voice of Sai brought me back from the thoughts.

"Nothing." I replied shaking my head.

"Is your fever better now?" she asked.

I had a slight temperature from this morning and shivers now and then for a while.

"Yah, I took the pill." I told.

"Take a good sleep, you'll be fine by morning. And am sure you'll be jumping around next day when he returns back." She winked.

I smiled, and nodded slightly.
"Aren't you going to sleep?" I asked when she was leaving the room.

"It's just nine. You sleep now, I'll come back in a couple of hours. Good night." She spoke.

"Good night." I murmured.

I picked up my phone to text Shub,
"Gn hun, I took the pill & going to sleep. Excited to meet u tmrw :-*.."


I was in a deep slumber when suddenly my phone rang.
'Who is it at night?' I annoyed.

I took up the phone, what? Why is Abhay calling me in the middle of night? Fuck.
I have decided it just today, I can't talk to him. So should I just hang up? But it could be something important.

I checked the time it was a little over 12. He won't normally call me at this time, so I decided to answer.

H- Hello, Abhay? (Half slept voice)

A- Heer I have something really important. Can you come at my place?

H- Huh, what happened? And are you ok? Is there something bothering you?

A- Can you come or not?

H- Abhay you are fine naa? You are making me worried.

A- It's really important, please.

H- Can you atleast tell me what happened?

A- I can't.

H- Ugh.


H- Ok, I'll come.

What happened now? This guy just makes me panic only. My heart was racing like a million times in a second.

I got up hastily, and luckily found a few clothes in the dark. So I quickly changed.

I walked to the other room to check Sai. She was sleeping on the couch with her specs on and phone lying on her belly.

Oh god, this girl! I facepalmed.

I carefully picked up her phone and specs. Shit, what am I doing! I ran to take the keys.

Swear on god, I never drove so fast.
Its so silly that a few hours before I was thinking of not talking to him ever and now when he is unsettled I am running to his house.

Fortunately, Abhay's house was very near, so I reached their within a few minutes.

I swiftly pressed the floor number in lift. A lot of questions arising in my mind most of them negative. I didn't expect a lot, but Abhay should be fine at any cost.

I rang the bell continuously after reaching due to panic. He opened the door almost immediately.

"Abhay, are you ok?" I asked out of anxiety.

I didn't realised but at this point tears were flowing non stop out of my eyes.
"Heer! I am very much fine. Just take a breath. Come, sit." He told.

After I took a seat, he offered me water. After a few minutes I questioned, "What happened then?"

"Umm, I wanted to show you something or someone." He replied.
"Come follow me." He added.

I was very clueless, puzzled, sad and what not, but I followed him.
I guess it was his bedroom but all of it was very dark. He turned on the lights when I saw someone lying on the bed, actually sleeping.

When I looked more carefully, it was Shub. "What is he doing here?" I raised in confusion. He didn't answered.

I walked nearer to Shub, when that chemical musty smell actually hit me.
"He is drunk?!" I voiced out.

"Hmm" Abhay said.

"Then what? He would have drunk a few shots and passed out. Well I didn't know he was already in Delhi but you could have told me that on a call, why making it so dramatic." I lashed out at Abhay.

He didn't even uttered a word.
A while after he spoke, "Can you just check his clothes, that would make it more clear maybe."

I took off the blanket. His clothes seemed a little fancy, he was definitely somewhere out.

I checked his shirt's pocket, and at this point I would have rather wished to die before seeing this. There was a condom in his pocket.

"What the fuck!" My mouth fell open and tears started falling from my eyes. I was breathless being crushed so hard in a second, and I didn't even had the strength to be there.

I rushed off to his balcony, to take a gasp. It's unbelievable.


It's now getting intense y'all.
But hope you all like it.
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Said I Loved You, But I Lied |Abhishek Sharma & Shubman Gill| (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now