Chapter 12

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Abhishek's POV-

Been a couple of hours so I tiptoed to the balcony, Heer was sleeping on the couch there. Within an instant she opened her eyes, and shifted to one end.

"I was here just to check, you can sleep." I whispered.
She slightly shook her head sideways.

I stepped to sit next to her, when my arm brushed off to her. "You are burning for real, you have fever!" I exclaimed.

I pressed my hand on her forehead, then neck to check her warmth. My fingers got entangled with a chain, I gradually pulled it out when I took a look of it.

Gazed it under the moonlight to find out it was the same chain with infinity pendant that I chose. "You bought it that day?" I raised a brow with a faint smile.

Tears were still flowing down her cheeks, so I said, "Ok, let me tell you a little story."

She wasn't paying much attention but I continued, "A long time back, there lived a girl, her name was Riya and a guy whose name was Abhishek."

She rapidly turned around, and I spoke, "Yah the names are sorta familiar."

I continued, "Abhishek loved her very much and so did the girl. In short everything was perfect. But one stupid day he thought of making this more perfect, so he ran to a store and bought a solitaire engagement ring for her..."

I was narrating her but each scene was playing through my mind.


I was waiting for Riya near the bike as usual whenever she goes to saloon. She came out, and I know it's cheesy but my heart skips a beat everytime I see her.

"You made me go to saloon, so now just tell me what's the surprise?!!" She was so bucked up.

"It the time you know, let's go." I told.

"Yayy." She shrieked.

After a few minutes of driving, I pulled over to the side. "Get off." I spoke.

"Here? What's this place, no one's here and plus it's so dark." She sounded worried.
"I am with you baby, come." I held her hand.

"Careful." I said while switching to the footpath.

She slowly snuggled into my arm while we were walking, and looked back and forth around, "Baby you see no one's around? I am scared." she pouted.

"I wish we can walk like this life time, I love every moment with you." I turned around to look at her face and took her fingers into my hands.

She looked me puzzled, I smiled and snapped my fingers in the air. The lights turned on instantly.

"Oh my god, wow." Her eyes shined.
She looked around watching the bulbs like a child.
I took out the ring from the back pocket, and knelt down.

"Abhay, look-" she stopped when her sight fell on me. "What!" She hid her face between hands turning almost red and I was in the exact position.

"Abhayy-" she blushed biting her lower lip.
"Ok, let me say-" I stopped before she turns into a tomato.

I continued, "There are not many times I fell speechless, but this sure is one. I can't put it in words to show how much I love you. You make me happy in a way no one else can, so  will you make me the happiest man alive by giving me the honour to marry you?"

"Yes" she weeped tears of joy.

I slipped the ring onto her finger, as I stood up she hopped on me and clutched into a tight hug.

Pecking on my cheek she gushed, "I can't wait to tell our families, let's go back and call them."

"Sure." I smiled.

We stepped back where we left the bike. I was riding, when she crossed her arms around me. I clenched her fingers giving a twitch to the ring.

"I love you." she mumbled from back.
"Love you too." I turned around to her.
"Abhaayy!" She screamed.


"It was an accident, we crashed into a truck, I lost Riya. But I still have the ring." I smiled weakly gazing at the sparkling jewel on my finger.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." Heer sighed.

"No, I told that because you can't trust a person, something unexpected can happen anytime. Look at me, I am living like ish from months, did it make any difference? But you have the chance, resolve it or end it but don't lament." I told.

"Abhay be honest with me, this wasn't Shub's first time, right?" She insisted.

"Yes, it's his obsession or habit, but it's going on way past you even met him. So he used to go out to clubs or bars and pick up girls maybe hook up, but it's only about a night. He never met any of them again." I said.

"Shouldn't it be stopped after he started seeing me?"

"Yah, I told him too that he should stop but he said he really loved you, and you are the type of girl he wants in future, 'the marriage' type, and if he told you about it, then you may breakup."

"God, is he out of his mind? What did you said then?"

"I kinda believed him, because he barely remembers a girl's name by morning. So him getting serious for anyone is a big deal."

She gave me a death stare, "I'm sorry." I said instantly.

"Why did you tell me about this now? You have hidden it in past knowing that he was in a relationship. You could have easily done it today too, I won't know even a shit about it.
What happened all of a sudden?" She chided staring me.

I took a sharp gasp to answer, "Because now I know you and I know that a person like him doesn't deserve a girl like you, I do."


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Said I Loved You, But I Lied |Abhishek Sharma & Shubman Gill| (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now