Chapter 3

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Next day-

Shubman's POV-

I was scrolling through instagram, when I stumbled upon an old photo of me and Abhay posted by a fanpage.

We haven't talked in a while too, maybe I should ask how is he doing now.

Heer's POV-

"..and then we returned back to home." I completed to Sai who was dying to know what happened last night.

"So how long is he going to stay? like I thought he was returning yesterday."

"I don't know, probably a day or two, and keep it down, he's in the other room. It'll sound rude."

Before I finished, he entered talking on phone.

"Just come to Domino's, that's it, bye." he mentioned.

"Anyone of you down for a pizza treat?"

"I guess?" I gazed Sai for an agreement.

"Obviously not, I'm on a diet, I don't know if athletes do that but I do care for my body guys." bragged Sai.

"No, I got you Sai. So me and heer will go and Abhay will join us there." he spoke.

"Abhay? Is it Abhishek Sharma?" I did that on purpose to tease her.

"Ok, I'm coming, no more questions." she tried not to blush.

"Such a man-chaser you are!" he clicked his tongue. "Chh, Shub you don't know he is such a treat, just look at him." I quoted her words.

"Wait you said that?" he pointed towards Sai laughing unstoppable.

Her face almost turned red, "I hate you guys, you are such a-ah-hh
troll couple, me and Abhay will be different."

"Just stop, why you're being so funny?"

At Domino's~

"Don't tell me you guys were kidding that he'll show up." Sai rolled her eyes.

Me and shub just gave her a look for repeating the same sentence as many as hundredth time.

We took a pause, "But still Shub I can't believe that you've never been to Canada? Like what kind of punjabi you are?" she again started with small talks, they always bond over being Punjabi.

"Didn't he told you his visa got cancelled?" I spoke straight faced.

I hate her, always leaving me out of conversation and obviously they were sitting together on one seat, leaving me alone on the either seat. They're such good friends that even I feel I am third wheeling them.

"Nice try heer, but I never got time to visit Canada though my sister was there."

Ok, I hate them both. I bit the pizza slice roughly.

Someone entered the entrance wearing a black jacket, cap and shades, and I don't even have to think twice to confirm he is Abhishek. This should be made a universal dress code for cricketers in public place.

He took off the cap, um I guess Sai wasn't very wrong, he looks decent. He seemed lost, I waved my hand to him, "Here!"

He ignored me presuming a fan, "Call him." I cheesed off. Shub turned back, and he waved him.

He walked towards us.

"Can I?" he asked and I nodded, then sat aside me.

He wore a cologne and smoke like smell, actually goes with his personality.

I noticed a solitaire ring on his finger, is he engaged?

Suddenly someone snapped a finger on my face, it was Shub, "Where are you you lost?" he questioned.

He continued, "So she is my girlfriend Heer and that's her bestfriend Saira."

"Good." he replied in a husky, flat voice.

Is he one of those quiet raged ones?Jeez, why am I acting so sus right now. He has got a little charm but just stop noticing him.

"Even I feel great to see you, like we are so similar naa." Sai started going gaga over him.

Well ok. Her flirting skills are still dumped at the core of earth.

"Stop this before he runs away." Shub whispered, which we all heard.

"So Abhay when is sunrisers camp starting?" asked shub trying so hard to change the topic.

"IPL is starting?" this impatient dope called Sai goes again.

"It's in couple of months but I am just asking." said Shub tight lipped

"I don't know." replied Abhay which made Shub a little disappointed.

A few minutes passed, everything went back to normal. Shub and Sai still mingling around, Abhay looking out from glass and me being always left out.

"You didn't had any of it?" I asked Abhay for the pizza slice that I shared with him.

"I'm on diet." he told.

Shub who was already pissed off spoke, "Wow, that's so great. Tell us too what else you have in diet except having alcohol and smoking all day long.
You know this only one time I counted on you that you won't be coming drunk today because obviously I am here with my girl, but you're so unbelievable everytime." he bursted out in a second.

Ok, I didn't saw that coming. I was a little startled and so was Sai.

He continued, "And what's the frickin' need to cry all over the place like a girl? It's just your girlfriend left you, everyone faces it, get this off and move on."

Abhay was only quiet till this point, when he was steamed too, "Yes I smoke, I drink and I cry like a girl, because you know what I am not like you all that if one girl leaves me then I go on the way to find another. And if being emotional doesn't make you a 'man' than I'm happy not be inhuman." he answered in a breath.

Shub was speechless for a moment.

"I'm gonna leave." Abhay stood up and got out from the door.

He then lighted a cigarette, took a puff and went on, I peeped from the glass.


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Said I Loved You, But I Lied |Abhishek Sharma & Shubman Gill| (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now