Chapter 21

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Heer's POV-

'Let us take a week off from each other until it's all settled. If I contacted you again things might lead into each other, so ya we'll catch up after that when I can touch without the fear of getting bruises.' I read Abhay's text again.

This was sent two long weeks ago, we haven't met after that incident, not even a single call.

He insisted on taking the charge of solving this matter, so I had to take a step back and stay out of touch for a while. He is dealing with 'serenity' to Shub so that his friendship lasts.

He craves for both me and him at the same time, I know it's not possible and I ain't hopeful but confident that he will choose only me.

Though I wish that this crackhead will call me tomorrow, cause it's my birthday.

"Ma'am we've reached." my cab driver informed.

I zoned back in, and bid a thanks after getting out. I was at my-no- not mine but Sai's apartment.

I knocked, and almost immediately she opened the door.

She wasn't shocked, but her face was pale, devoid of any happiness which was once in a blue moon for me.

Her eyes were surrounded with mad dark circles. I anticipated she might've moved on, but clearly she didn't.

"Heer?" A smile crept on her lifeless lips.

I quietly entered inside. There were butts lying all over the ground, "You started smoking again?"

She sniffled from the back, "Sai-I'm not here to make you cry." I told turning around.

"No-I'm not-" she quickly wiped.
"I'm here to take a few things." I spoke.
"Go on, it's all yours."

After a while I came back to where we were. She was sitting on the couch still.

"Come-" I ran to the couch and hugged her tight. She broke out in my arms, while I patted her back to comfort.

"You've been the bestest friend, its clichè but you contributed to the person I am today, we've literally grown up together. I have the utmost respect for you as a person, but now is the time that we should learn to live by ourselves." I wept.

"You know, once you weren't here, me and him got really high, he picked up a chick- but I decided not to tell you, my biggest mistake.
This won't make any difference but just wanted to get this off my chest." She told.

I was dead silent.

"So you're single now?" She asked.
"Um not really."
"Oh-who is it?"
"Abhay." I replied.

"Nice, but isn't he a bit flawed?"

"I'm not perfect either, he embraces me with all the flaws too. When I was questioning everything, one aspect I was sure about was him." I uttered.

"You're very happy indeed being in love." She smiled.

"I think I should go, bye- see you if we ever came across." I stood up.

"Bye, I'll miss you."

Saying a good bye to your best friend, it's the hardest thing ever.

Next day~

I woke up feeling sick, very usual from past days. I grabbed my phone quickly, still not a text from him. A very great start to my 25th birthday.

Suddenly, I felt something in my stomach, ran to the bathroom for throwing up.

Abhishek's POV-

Shubman didn't really got along with this idea, but you know what I don't care a sod what he thinks.

He will take a good time to comprehend all this but until then I can't leave Heer all alone.

She is everything I can ever ask for, the answers to all my prayers in the hardest nights. Some power has been awfully generous and gave her to me, now I won't let go.

I picked out a shirt for meeting her, the one she chose in the store.

I can't wait to tell her how much I freaking love her. Today would be perfect, it's her birthday and I got to wish her before she kills me.

Looking in the mirror, I glanced on the ring in my finger. I took it off for the first time, and threw it in the dresser.

Suddenly, my phone flashed with Shubman's name.
"Hello?" I answered on call.


Heer's POV-

I smiled slowly, a tremble ran through my body just looking at it.

My hand reached up to lightly clasp the throat, I was freezed for a moment just by peering it.

"Oh-h my god, I can't believe this-"  I mumbled under my breath.
"I should-ah tell Abhay about this-" I spoke in a shaky, halting voice.

He'll be so happy. I reached to the phone, before I can call him, he called me- I answered it hastily.

H- Abhay-Abhay I am dying to tell you something, you won't believe- (squealed)

A- I wanted to share a thing too.(sighed) Let's meet somewhere.

H- Oh ok-Starbucks at 5.

A- Hmm.


Abhishek's POV-

I entered inside and sat across her,
"Mr. you're late!" Heer rolled her eyes.

My heart was racing, she was so freaking happy, do I have the right to take that million worth smile away?!

"By the way someone's looking super handsome in the shirt." She grinned.

She slowly snuggled in and pecked my cheek then forehead, then over to eyelids, covered my whole face with kisses, "I love you." she whispered in my ear and I gave her a fake smile.

"But you know leave it, I wanted to tell you something man- it's so amazing." She gushed and clasped my wrists.

"Can I tell you something first-" I retorted unable to make an eye contact.

"Yah, what is it?" Her voice turned distressed.

"I think we should end whatever we had till this day-" I told straight up.

She gaped at me for a second, waiting for any add up to that.

"Wait, is that a joke? Because I don't like it at all." Her eyes were already filled with tears.

"It was a rebound for me and I never suspected that this will lead into something so serious. I loved Riya, and I thought you were like her. Now I realise that it was a big mistake, I'm sorry." I looked away.

"B-but you sa-said you lo-loved me?" She was crying and choking badly.

I took a sharp gasp to answer, "Said I loved you, but I lied." I stood up.

She clutched my palm tight, "Please, don't leave." she sobbed. I pressed her wrist and receded each finger back, and left her all alone crying.

"Listen-" she called me from behind but I ignored her.
I'm sorry Heer, but I have no choice.


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Said I Loved You, But I Lied |Abhishek Sharma & Shubman Gill| (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now