Chapter 19

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Heer's POV-

I had to work late, and it has got dark till I decided to return back. So I called Abhay,

A- Heyy-yya Heeeer-rr!

H- What're you doin'?

A- Am just happy that you called meh.

H- Oh ok. Listen I had a fast today, earlier Sai used to cook for me but now I don't know a single place where they serve this food.

A- Uh- I know, Riya used to fast too and she used to go to this eat out place near my house. I'll just send you the location.

H- Yah sure, but you're alright na?

A- I'm perfectlyy fine.

H- Ok bye.

I was craving for food so bad that I went to that restaurant straight after my office. I ordered the meal after reaching.

A silhouette sat against me, when I was in the middle of munching the bite. I didn't even have to gaze to confirm its Abhay.

"Hey my lady love!" He greeted.
"Abhay?" I passed him a weird look.

He tapped the table to gather the attention of others, "Ladies and gentlemen, her, the love of my life." He announced.

"I really mean it." He whispered in my ear.

My sight was fixed on the table, and I found myself tongue-tied.
"How many shots did you had?" I hissed under my breath.
"I ain't had n-n-nothing." he stuttered.

"Then why are you all tipsy?" I raised.
"Uh-no, I'm 'loved up'." he spoke thickly.
"What the f- where did you get drugs?!" My eyes widened.

Suddenly, I heard the other table people discussing, "Isn't that Abhishek Sharma, the cricketer?"

Before they start capturing him, I gripped his hand tightly and walked out. It was thundering outside, as if the clouds were about to rain, so I rushed up.

"Heer you didn't completed your dinner!" He complained.

"I don't seriously get you, what's the special occasion that you got stoned?" I lashed out.

"It's been an year since she died-" He stepped up along me.
He continued, "But I don't feel the sufferings anymore. I am thankful that she is gone away, because I got to meet you. I could have never felt this sensation, the way I feel only by looking into your eyes."

"Are you freak?" I whined.

"Yes I was when I compared you to her. I loved her but for you the word "love" just isn't big enough to describe my feelings." He spoke.

"That is a strong drug indeed-" I scratched my neck.

All of a sudden it started to rain. I rushed forward, when he held my wrist from the back. My heartbeat halted for a second, "Look even the rain has fallen for you." he smirked.

"I never knew you're that romantic from inside." I chuckled turning to him.
"How do you know?" He raised a brow.

"Drugs don't lie." I laughed.
I strided and he followed me along, drenched in the water.

Shortly afterwards, we made to his apartment. The night was pitch black and even the building, due to power cut.

He was pressing the elevator button, I told him, "Abhay there is no electricity."

"Shit now I've to climb up 19 damn floors." He sighed.
"I guess so-" I grinned.

Somehow, we managed to reach his flat. We stumbled around and entered, as it was so dark. I took out my phone and turned on the flashlight. I was completely wet and so was he.

"Um, I think you need to change." He hesitated.
"Uh-ya." I replied.
"There would be some Riya's stuff, I'll find something."
I nodded and he went inside.

He brought a few clothes and a towel from inside. "You can change, I'm in my room." He told.
"Wait, don't you need the flashlight?" I asked.

"No, I can see in dark, I'm very talented." He laughed and went inside.

I patted dry, changed into the shorts, and the top. But what the hell is with this top, it was some backless sorta crop top with only strings at the back. Somehow I managed to tie it, but it wasn't still secure.

He has picked this up in dark, and still calls himself talented. I went to his room to mock him with the flash on.

I entered inside, when I saw him standing shirtless and oh my god those drops of water trickling down his abs, I can die to see this moment again and again but I turned around immediately.

For my luck, there was a mirror in front of me so I can still see him in the back. He gazed, and started stepping towards me, I closed my eyes tight nervously and the phone slipped down from my grip.

My heart was racing, the heat was rising to my cheeks, and he was so close that I can feel his warm breaths on my neck. Slowly he slid his arm around my bare waist.

With a sudden jerk he pulled me backwards, my body brushed against his damp chest. I took a sharp gasp when he turned me around to face him.

I was so shy that my eyes were still closed, and my breaths running short. I slowly opened my eyes, while his piercing gaze was fixed on me.

A wave of emotions were striking me at that moment. I slightly licked my bottom lip and he leaned in for a kiss. I kissed him back, it was the most passionate yet softest kiss that I've ever shared.

Clouds were thundering loud, and his hand lingered around my back then to shoulder again, even perfection is an understatement to describe it.

I took a gap, as he took my breath away. I turned red by now, but then I noticed that the top I wore was hanging around my waist, I was freakin' topless.

I looked up at him, "I'm talented." He winked with a smile.
"Oh-, Is this the only talent you have mr Abhay?" I raised brow with a playful smile.

"Come I'll show you all my talents-" He pulled me on the bed.


I couldn't have written it further, but I know y'all are smart enough to guess :-D.
Hope y'all liked it.
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Said I Loved You, But I Lied |Abhishek Sharma & Shubman Gill| (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now