Chapter 18

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Heer's POV-

I hung up, that's when I realised what I have just spoken. It wasn't intentional but feelings do come out in words.

Suddenly someone knocked the door. I glanced out from the peep hole, it was Sai.

I turned around immediately, but her voice continued "You don't have to open the door, I am to here just to say that I'm really sorry. I took your friendship for granted, and never saw you can leave me too. I know it's impossible for you to forgive me but you can come back any day.."

I didn't spoke a word, and she left after a few minutes when I didn't respond. I laid on my bed and just slept.


I woke up and found Abhay casually sitting on the chair in front. I gazed with half opened eyes with a smile playing around my face. He had a little flower in fingers which he gave me, "Isn't this from the garden over here?" I asked.

"No, I brought this from Bangalore." He laughed.

"But I missed you, I got so bored." I uttered.
"Yah, come on let's go somewhere."
"Just change, it's a long drive." He told.

I quickly took a shower and wore a tank top with trousers.


Abhay was driving since hours.
I took the sixth nap in the car, guess he took the idea of a long drive way too seriously.

"Where are we?!" I repeated.
"You might have been here." He replied.
"Never in my life."

"It's Chandigarh, I thought Shubman might have brought you here." He said.
"No he didn't."

It was dusk, when he pulled over, and put on those glasses and cap.

"Come." He instructed.
"What's this place?" I questioned while getting out.
"Sector 17." He told.

We were strolling on the street. I was slightly ahead, when his fingers brushed on my wrist so I grasped his hand and pulled him forward. I smirked, our romance is so childish.

"Wait-" I stopped at a vendor selling earrings. He stood solemn at the back.

"Price?" I asked the seller after picking up one.
"Itna mehanga! (Too expensive)" I shook.

He tugged me back with a jerk, "Leave it, I'll show you something." He said entering inside a store.

I looked around and it was filled with traditional suits all over. "Wow." I mumbled.

"Mummy?!" Abhay exclaimed from the back.
I turned around, and there was his mom and a few more people.

"Tum sab idhar?!" (You all here?!)  He gushed in surprise.
"Can't we shop too?" A girl replied amongst them with a baby in her arms.
"Abhay yeh kon hai? (Who's she?)" His mom whispered.

"Mummy yeh Heer, meri friend." He told.
"And Heer she is my mom." He said and I folded my hands.
"And she is my sister Komal and he is my brother in law." He told as I waved to both of them.

"And this little monkey is my niece, Aahana." He held her, and she instantly started crying.

"She is so cute but you made her cry, give her here." I took her.
"She is an angel not a monkey." I corrected.

"Both the monkeys have made a team." He sighed and I gaped at him pouting.

"Aye chuttak, pareshan kyu kar rha hai tuh? (Why are you troubling them?) Komal di rebuked him and I laughed at his face.


Abhishek's POV-

I turned around while walking, Heer was coming with mom in the back. I have no idea what she is talking.

"She'll be alright you can look in front." Komal di teased me.

We all have scattered as it was crowded, but met at the restaurant again. I was sitting next to Komal di while Heer was just in front of me at the table.

She was still playing with Aahana on her lap. "She really liked her." Komal di said to me.

"Yah I love her, I'll just probably take her home." she chuckled.
"Take her, she troubles me anyways." Komal di joked.

"Monkey monkey bond getting stronger." I chuckled while eating.
"Aunty-" She spoke, "Abhay." my own mom stared at me and Heer laughed at me again.

"My whole family has turned against me now." I voiced out.

"Finally you come to know that you are adopted." Komal di started her usual mocking.
"Yah that's why he looks so different from y'all." Heer joined her too.

I shook my head smiling at heer and she too gazed me and winked.

Komal di looked at me and said "You know Heer, I don't know what you both are but the way Abhay looks at you, he definitely likes you."

My eyes widened listening her, but then Heer replied casually, "Yah I know and I love him too."
That's when I choked on my bite.


It was a nice evening and now we were returning back.
"I'd appreciate if you have told me up in personal first but that was fantastic what you said out there." I smirked.

"Yah, you choked."
"I was shocked, I never imagined you saying that to me even." I said driving.

"But you knew that your family was going to be there, don't you?" She stared me.
"Uhh-um." I couldn't lie to her.
"Ok, I know."

"But you like kids?" I tried to change the conversation.
"Yah, I do actually." She nodded.

"Hmm, I'll remember that for future." I said and she gazed me puzzled.
"You know down the line you have to take care of our 4-5 kids." I smirked.

"4-5? Are you serious?" She raised her brows.
"Ok 9, I can't do more than that." I laughed loud.

"I am gonna kill you." She smacked on my arm.


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Said I Loved You, But I Lied |Abhishek Sharma & Shubman Gill| (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now