Chapter 10

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Heer's POV-

"This one will look great on you." I suggested showing him the shirt.

"Heer I wanted to tell you something." I heard his voice.
He was a bit shaky, which made me concerned.

"What is it?" I asked solemnly.

"I got a maiden call from the Indian team." He told.

"Oh my god, congrats, that's amazing." I tickled pink.
"Yah, I don't have any chances of playing but still being there would be a learning opportunity." He answered.

"Obviously, you'll get the chance. And  whatever you buy today is on me." I said.
"Try this on." I pushed him with the shirt in the changing room.

I was waiting for Abhay to come out, when my phone rang. It was Shub so I picked it up.

S- I am still waiting for the day when you will be the first one to call after a win.

H- I'm sorry, congrats but I knew you were going to win anyways.

S- Ugh, you're very smart. But where are you? Sai told me you shoved off somewhere.

H- Ya-yah, I'm actually out for grocery shopping.

S- Ok but are you excited?

H- For what?

S- I'm coming back to India in a couple of days.

H- You know I am always crazy for that. But why not tomorrow?

S- We have a few days off here. But you won't believe where is our first T20 match! Take a guess.

H- Uhm, Birmingham?

S- Dumbo then we would have stayed here in UK only. It's in India and in your city, Delhi.

H- Wooh, I wasn't expecting that. So should I buy the ticket for it?

S- Jeez I don't want to go through that again. I just don't need any media attention.

H- Ok I'm sorry. Listen I have some errands to run so I'll talk to you later. Have a good time!

S- Ok bye.

I kept the phone back. It was silent for a second until Abhay slightly opened the door and asked, "How's this?"  with a rather sheepish voice.

"You wore it wrong!" I facepalmed.
"What's wrong?" He posed.

"Open the door more, I'll tell you." I told.
"No." He replied abruptly.

"Ok, so I'm coming inside." I forced the door open and barged inside the changing room.

"You have to do it in this way-" I uttered while doing his collar.

He was standing still, when a laugh broke out from his side, "You're so short."

I noticed it when I saw that my legs were stretched long to get a look of his collar.

"Very funny, but I'm not that short." I replied straight faced.
"Being an inch taller than a dwarf is a great flex I see." He cracked up.

I tried to keep a straight face, but I laughed out uncontrollable this time.
"I hate you so bad!" I gently smacked on his shoulder.

He was surprisingly quiet so I looked over him, and I can feel his breaths on my neck, that's when I realised we were a lot closer than should be.

I swiftly took a step back and got back to styling the collar. I can feel the blood rushing into my cheeks and the electrifying force running through my body. He still intimidates me a little.

To replace the awkward moment he asked, "So, will you come for the match?"

"I don't know, it's upto Shub. He don't like this." I spoke in a rather muted voice.
"Yah, it's totally fine."

"I thought you didn't felt like playing, what changed your mind then?" I tried to move forward with the conversation.

"Uh I don't know." He sighed.
"You want me to be honest?" he questioned.
"Yah." I told.

"You, it may sound silly but you made me remember of someone who wanted the best of me." he said.

I looked up into his eyes which were already fixed on me. Apart from the rich brown colour, his eyes were filled with water.

"Abhay?" I uttered.
"I'm sorry. I'm so nuts for doing that." he quickly wiped off his eyes.

"Listen, it's ok." I held his hand.

Soon I realised the gravity of situation.

I'm saying it's ok but what if Shub comes to know that I was lying to him this all time and now I am here so close to his best friend, whom I was not supposed to meet again.

"Abhay I need to go, I am so sorry." I took my hand off from his grip.

"Wait, what happened?" He inquired from back but I was so scared at that moment that I left instantly.

I am not going to take this any further, or else it will turn out bizzare for all three of us.


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Said I Loved You, But I Lied |Abhishek Sharma & Shubman Gill| (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now