Chapter 20

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Heer's POV-

I stretched my limbs waking up. I glanced on the other end, Abhay was still sleeping. I pecked his forehead, and slightly ran my fingers through his hair, damn he looks so cute while sleeping.

It wasn't the most righteous act of ours the last night, but it does reaffirms my deep seated affection for him. For me, he is the kind of person I want to spend my life with.

Suddenly, someone knocked the door.
Abhay got up in a second, "What're you doing here?" He shrugged with a baffled look.

"There is someone on the door-" I told quickly.

He went outside while I hastily got up, and put on his still damped shirt lying on the ground.
He was taller than me so the shirt did covered till my mid thigh.

I stood in the back when he unlocked the door, then it yanked open from the other end. The moment I was thinking it will be all fine, it was Shub.

"Dude-" he spoke but took a sudden pause when his sight fell on me at the corner. He made an intense eye contact with me for a moment, his fist clenched abruptly.

"What the fuck!" He shouted and was about to punch Abhay, when I cut along between them.

"Shub stop!" My hands were wide in the air to guard Abhay.

"Please come inside, let's talk through it!" I exclaimed but he didn't even listened a word. Abhay's kit bag was lying there, he quickly picked up a bat from there.

With a jerk Shub pulled me on the side, then with his complete intensity he drubbed and slammed the bat against Abhay's arm.

Abhay jolted against the wall, then descended down to floor but didn't even uttered a word. The bat broke into two pieces which were left on the ground.

"God-" I cried.
I slid on my knees towards him.
"Are you okay?" I ran fingers on his right cheek.
"Am ok-" He mumbled taking heavy breaths.

I helped him stand back, his arm got swollen and bruised. "You go inside." I spoke in his ear.

Shub was on the couch, I sat in front. "Why're you doing this?" I asked.

"Cause you're mine and I can't digest the fact that he even touched you."

"Shub we've broken up, we are different individuals and shouldn't we have our own choices?"

"I can't break up- ca-cause I still love you. I know what I've done is unforgivable but give me a last chance." He pleaded.

"You know I barely ever slept with any girl but it was just a fun to go out, I won't do it anymore." He added.

"Shub, it wasn't the worst part, in fact it was really ok, everyone makes mistake but you both kept on deceiving me." I uttered.

He didn't spoke a word.
"I've loved you too, but that hurted me. Isn't it better to leave the things that hurt you?" I added.

"Did you ever really had a feeling for me?" He asked.

I took a pause to reply, "Yes, I loved you with my whole heart but seems like morning we fell in love but I guess every morning ends and so did my love.."

"Ok-kh, if you want to break up, let's end this here, I would spend my life in regret but then just leave. Why is it have to be only with my best friend?"
He spoke misty eyed.

"Nothing will change, he will still be your bestfriend. I promise I'll never come between your friendship." I stated.

"I just hitted him, that too because of you."

Then Abhay entered, and Shub clenched his fist again. I squeezed his wrist, "Please no." I requested.

Abhishek's POV-

I sat on her side, "Shub it wasn't a choice to fell for him, he was therapy for me. When the world made me cry, he gave me the reason to put on a smile.." she told with her gaze fixed on me.

"How did you manipulated her?" He asked me.
"What kind of question is that-?" She chided.

"How did you even dared to sleep with her, when you knew about me?" He got again.

"Abhay speak something-" she instructed.

"I'm sorry, it won't be enough but I'm really sorry. I was intoxicated the other night, and I committed a mistake like that, I don't remember even a shit about it. I promised that I won't touch her, and now I am very guilty." I spoke in a breath.

"What? It was mistake-" she shredded off her tears and ran inside crying.

A tear escaped his eye, it was more painful for me because this was the first I've ever seen Shubman cry.

"I-I'll just go, you take care of her-" He sighed and left. I felt so guilty that I am the reason behind my friend's disbelief.

I went inside, she was crying laying on the bed. "What happened?" I asked.

"It was a mistake for you." She sobbed.
"I thought you were Riya last night."
"Haw-" she cried even more.

"Ok ok, I am just kidding, I couldn't have told the truth in front of Shubman or he would have given me more bruises." I told sitting on the bed.

She was still sulking, so I pulled her over on my lap. I slowly fixed her hair strand behind her ear.

"To be honest I won't have done it if I wasn't high but now if I am through it, there is no doubt that it was the most beautiful night of my life." I looked her with a piercing gaze.

"No you are lying, you don't remember anything." She played with my chain.

"I do remember you screaming my name." I teased her.

"Oh my god-" she buried her face in my chest.
"Yah that one too." I laughed.

"Stopppp!" She shrieked hugging tight.

I maybe the reason behind Shubman's disbelief but I can't leave her, just can't.


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Said I Loved You, But I Lied |Abhishek Sharma & Shubman Gill| (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now