Said I Loved you, But I Lied

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Few years later~

Abhishek's POV-

Striding back from the field, I set foot in the very lively dressing room.

"Let's go for it boys, we are gonna bowl." I shrieked.
"Yoo, secured the toss!" Shubman bumped fist.

I sat at my spot in the corner under my name to change shoes.

Our coach gathered the attention to announce, "Good luck boys, it's a big match and we are very much confident that you'll make the country proud. I'll now like our captain to share a few words."

Everyone peered at me with an optimistic gaze, I spoke, "Um-Being here, I can say that we all have played this sport since we can even remember. But anyday anyone might have asked about our ultimate challenge, this would be it, playing the world cup finale. No one expected us to even survive till the qualifiers, but we did. So let us show them the grit that by the night we will be the team coming with the cup."

Everyone clapped, a few mischievous ones even whistled.
"Come on, out everyone!" I told.

The room vacated and I was the last one to leave. Coach came with me, "Abhishek, everyone questioned us when you were made the captain, but the way you leaded has been clinical. Best of luck for today lad." He patted my back. I smiled and went ahead.

It was showering here and there in
London, yet the crowd was most cheerful adding to the chirpy surroundings.

I walked down the stairs, which required a little adjustment before the national anthem as each level  occupies a player with a kid.

I have to be at the front of queue, and everybody was already at their places, so getting down there was quite a struggle.

"Shubman side ho!" I whined as he was busy talking to the kid.
"Ok-" He moved aside as I've to stand just in front of him.

"Oye don't move ahead, wait here for the other team to come." He told.

"What strategy are they building?!" I chuckled.

He didn't replied, again busy in chattering to the assigned kid.

I looked aside, a little girl was there. I held her hand according to protocol.
Her hands were shivering, though it's cold here but I can sense she was nervous.

"Hey!" I spoke, which I don't do usually.
"Hi-" she whispered.

"What's your name young lady?" I asked to divert her.
"Mishka." she replied.

"Great, what does it mean?"
"Uh gift of love." She clicked her tongue.

"Wow, but can I call you Mimi?" I said without any reason.
"Yaa, and can I call you Abs?" She raised a brow.

"Ok that's bloody fine." I chuckled.
"You liked it! Mommy says it's cheeky whenever I call you that watching the match." She sighed.

"So mimi, you are from here only?" I asked.
"Yes abs, I've grown up in London." She replied.

"I heard you blokes are good at this-" I paused.
"Something called confidence." I chuckled and she smiled.

"There is no need to be nervous, it's all going to be great." I told.
"What's your age?" I quickly added.

"God you are such a big girl. Come on, let's get in there and rock it." I cheered her.

Soon the other team joined, I held her hand tight to enter inside. She actually rocked it.

Said I Loved You, But I Lied |Abhishek Sharma & Shubman Gill| (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now