Chapter 6

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Heer's POV-

*On call with Shubman*

S- Bye, I am gonna call Abhay now.

H- Oh ok.

S- He has been feeling blue lately.

H- Why?

S- Today, it's been an year he lost his dad.

H- I'm sorry for his loss.

S- Hmm, bye.

He hung up.

I can understand Abhay's pain, he has loses like mine. Wait I had his number, should I just call him?

I called him, and it was busy. Shit, I'm such an idiot Shub just called him.

He called back, I took a gasp and answered,

A- Hello, whose this?

(Took a pause to appreciate the voice)

H- Heer here, took your number last time.

A- Yah Heer.

H- Ar-are you oh-okay?

(Fuck this stuttering)

A- Ya-but like what happened?

H- Nothing, can we just meet if you're comfortable?

A- Hmm

H- Then see you in an hour at the same Starbucks.

A- Ok.

An hour later~

Abhishek's POV-

I parked my bike.

Never hung out so much in the past months, but no idea how this girl is common in each of them.

I entered inside, looked around to find her. There she is!

I taped on her shoulder, she turned around, "Hey, you are here, come sit."

Surma (kohl) lining her eyes, hair tied in a high bun and the bracelet on wrist having her name, god why does Heer remind me of her?

"I know it's kinda sudden just to call you here- Abhay you are listening me right?" she called out.

"Yah totally."

"I remembered I took your number and never hung out, so I just called you."

"No, you sounded somewhat anxious." I replied.

"Ohk, I know you are feeling low, it's not easy for you to get through this loss and an year is certainly not enough, but be optimistic and happy."

That son of bi- Shubman! He tells her everything.

"I know."

"You are free to talk to me-like whatever you have inside, it's gonna stay between both of us." She told.


"Thanks for whatever you are doing-but I don't have anything at first place."

"You can never be less stone hearted, you know what just have your coffee and I got to go." Heer fumed out standing up.

She might have bitten my head at this point, so I said, "Wait Heer! I just wanted to say that...You've paid for my drink right?"

She became furrowed.

"Okay sit-" I laughed.

"Like obviously I miss him and at any day like this- even more. He was my coach, mentor, somebody whom I feared from yet loved the most. Losing him was big deal but I didn't realised it that time because I had Riya by my side." I explained.

"Riya? Your ex?" She asked.

"Yah, now I don't have any of em, which makes it all blue."

It was silent for a while. I can feel the waves of pity coming from her side, which never makes any difference for me.

"If that makes any better, I have lost both of my parents and I didn't have anyone by my side through out." She told.

I made a sorry face to her and she laughed, guess I am not good at transferring pity.

"Abhay, can we go somewhere?" 
"Yah" I replied.

We were out on the street, "My scooty is right across the street, I'll bring it and you sit on the back." she mentioned more like an order.

"I've my bike right there." I replied.

"Abhay you don't understand, I am going to take you to my place, my 'favourite''s kinda secret you know." she whispered the last line.

She's weird but cute.

We crossed the street, "Do you think I can even fit on this thing?" I posed observing her scooty.

"Yup, just take this-" she threw the helmet rightly aimed on my face, thank god I am good fielder.


"So what do you think?" she asked excited after reaching.

It was a verandah of an old monument and the river was flowing at some distance. Honestly, it's really to difficult to find a peaceful place in delhi amongst such a rush.

"It's really still here. Impressive that you found such a place.".

"I'm a good explorer, I know."

"It's nice but nothing can't beat my favourite place." I said.

"Not possible, show me then."

"I'll, sometime later."

Heer's POV-

I took a step forward and sat on the stair case. He jumped on the broken subdivision of bricks, and sat.

I looked at the setting sun in front. The end of river's width marked the horizon where the sun was turned out off the vision. My eyes were locked in the splendid view.

"Look at the reflection of sun in the river, doesn't it look like that the sun is melting down in the river?" I expressed when suddenly I saw smoke floating around.

I gazed at Abhay, and he was smoking a cigarette.
"Not again dude." I rolled my eyes.

"I am not doing anything-" he quickly threw the butt.

"Tell me, what were you saying?" He jumped back near me, and settled upon the either stair.

"Can't you smoke a little less?" I raised a brow.

"I've been doing that from a while, but let's say I'll try to leave if you've asked me so."

I smirked at him and he smiled back, which took his smile count to two.


⚠️ Not pointing to any real circumstance.

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Said I Loved You, But I Lied |Abhishek Sharma & Shubman Gill| (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now