Chapter 5

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I woke up and got out the bunk I threw on a random outfit and went into the Living Room I guess you could say,It was rather small but it was perfect for a band.

I noticed a girl with long black hair,she had her nose pierced and a lip ring. I was amused with her tattoos she had a sleeve on her right arm and she was starting on her left, I must have been staring too long because she was looking at me. 

"Hi! I'm Emma." She said and jumped up and hugged me,I hugged her back, at little startled at her sudden movement.

 "Hi,Im Summer."

We sat on the couch and had a nice conversation.

"So anyone you fancy?" I asked her out of pure curiosity.

"Well," she hesitated "I've taking a liking to vic."

I nodded in understanding,"He's a great guy."

"What about you?" She asked,she had this certain twinkle in her eyes.

"I like Tony." I said quietly

"AWEEE!" She said loudly

"Why?" A voice asked from behind me. 

Obviously he was still tired and we woke him up.

"Sorry,turtle." She apologized quickly.

I looked out of the bus window and saw we were at a venue already.

Well that was quick.

 I ran to the bunk area put my shoes on,I then ran and grabbed Tony's hand and raced outside.

"Why did you drag me out here?" He asked irritated. 

"I wanted to look around." I said,he sighed and nodded with a smile.

We looked around at the different bands who were playing that night as well,all the while he was holding my hand.

We ran into Ben and Danny from Asking Alexandria.

"Who is this sexy lady?" Ben asked and winked at me,trust me I was excited he was even looking at me but it was a bit odd.

"That "Sexy Lady" happens to be my girlfriend." Tony stated matter of factly. 

I looked at Tony my eyes gaping and my mouth slightly a jar at his remark,after Tony said that Ben and Danny walked away quite awkwardly.

The rest of the small adventure was quite,and he no longer held my hand. It was around 5 when we got back to the bus and the others we getting ready for the show. 

I had a change of clothes and a touch up to my make up, as I was leaving Tony walked in and closed the door and leaned up against it.

"May I help you?" I asked. "Look I'm sorry about earlier I was just trying to get them to go away cause I know Ben has a girlfriend named Crystal and Danny has one as well." I nodded and hugged him.

I really wasn't all that mad at him for saying it,I was just slightly shocked that's all.

We all headed to the venue,I decided to help Emma with the merch table,but we could still see the boys playing.

Throughout the whole show Tony watched me like a hawk,they said their goodbyes then rushed off stage. We all met back at the bus.

"Jamie ordered pizza." Tony whispered to me,he was the only that knows about my eating disorder.

We all just watched movies until the pizza got here,Vic asked me if I wanted anything and I shook my head. He looked at me and pointed to the door,meaning he wanted to talk to me. "We'll be back." Vic called and we left.

"Summer,I haven't seen you eat at all and you have been with us for a few days all you do is drink water here and there. Are you okay?" He asked sounding concerned.

"I'm fine,Vic." I said and gave him a fake smile,he looked at quizzically but he didn't push it further.

He continued his walk but I went back to the bus.

"What'd he want?" Tony asked as I walked back in.

"Nothing." I said and sat by him.

We sat there for a little while and we finished the movie so we all decided to go to bed.

Tony have me a pair of his what I call "boy shorts" but they are basketball shorts and I wore a tank-top.

Tony had to help me into the bunk then he climbed in and wrapped his arms around me.

We just laid there quietly.

"Summer are you awake?" He asked quietly


"Can I ask you something?" He said I could here slight nervousness in his voice.


"Would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?"

I turned over and kissed his cheek "I'd love too." and I cuddled up to his chest.

"Goodnight Summer." He said and kissed the top of my head.

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