Chapter 13

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I was taking shower when Tony walked in,"Babe,what are you doing today?" He asked.

I wasn't paying that much attention to him and I had my back facing the wall.

"Um,Em and I are going to spend the day together. Have a girls day. And you?"

"Well I think me and the guys are gonna go and do something with Kellin's band." His voice was closer this time.

I turn around and almost fell down. "Oh Hey there!" He said and waved at me.

I smacked him playfully on the shoulder. "You scared the mess outta me!" I yelled while laughing.

We continued our shower then we got out and got dressed.

I was sitting criss-cross on the couch while Tony was rummaging through the kitchen.

The doorbell rang and I got up and answered it. It was the guys plus Em.

Tony walked out of the kitchen "We really need to go shopping." He said with a low chuckle.

Everyone said their goodbyes to each other and went they're different ways.

Em decided that we should go to the mall and we just talked about nonsensical things.

We arrived quicker than we thought we would,Em had dragged me to Victoria Secret first. I decided now I should tell her.

"Hey Em,can I tell you something?"

"Of course! Anything."

"Well,I'm uh I'm a couple days late." I mumbled. She looked at me her eyes wide.

"Does Tony know?" Her voice suddenly a whisper

I shook my head "No"

She sighed and took my arm and dragged me back to the car and went to the nearest pharmacy.

She pulled in and cut the ignition off.

"You know what you have to do." She had a smug look.

We walked in and looked for pregnancy tests.

"Do you ladies need any help?"

I started to say no but Em cut me off

"Uh yes where are your Pregnancy Tests at?" She questioned as I looked at the floor.

She chuckled and showed us where they were.

"Hey! I know you,Your Summer right?" I nodded my head slowly.

"I'm Ryan,one of Tonys friends." I shook his hand lightly.

He walked away awkwardly yet he was smiling. Em had found one in the time I was talking to Ryan.

We paid for it and left.

Surprisingly,Em raced home. Well to my home.

She pulled in the drive-way and noticed the boys cars were here. I looked at her my eyes wide and my hands shaking she put the test in my purse and said "Just act normal."

I sighed as she opened the front door.

"Hey Babe!" I heard Vic call out and run to give Em a hug.

I looked at her my eyes begging.

"Um I have to use the bathroom,Summer would you come with me?" The guys gave us weird looks but I nodded.

She pushed me into the Bathroom and told me to do what I had to do. She turned her back and I did.

I finished and laid the test on the counter. My hands still shaking,it said we had to wait 5 minutes.

The 5 minutes went by wuicker than expected,I was scared to look. I walked over, sighed and looked down.

My stomach twisted,My knees gave out,tears overflowed.

"Positive." I whisper towards Em.

"Calm down. It will be okay now come one before the guys suspect anything." She helped me up and helped towards the living room.

All the guys were sitting on the couch watching a movie.

Em took me to the kitchen and sat me down.

I cried. God,Im 19 and Pregnant.

Tony won't even care anymore. Why should he? I'm worthless anyway.

I heard a familiar voice,"What's wrong with her?" It was Jamie he came and sat by me and put his arm around me. I buried my head into his chest and cried harder.

We could trust Jamie. We was my Big brother and Em knew that.

"Jamie you can't tell anyone okay."Em whispered, He nodded, "She's pregnant." He gasped and held me tighter.

Jamie was like one of the girls,he wasn't gay,but we could talk to him about anything,we could tell him anything and we knew he wouldn't tell anyone.

"When do you plan on telling him hun?"

"I-I don't know." My voice shook.

Jamie decided to spend the night and cover for me if anything happened.

All the others left. I sighed and changed into pj's and put my hair in a messy bun and laid down,and curled up into a little ball.

Jamie was sleeping in the guest bedroom down the hall.

I felt Tony's strong arms wrap around me. I felt safe. But at the same time I was worried.

He knew I wasn't asleep yet.

"So my friend called today. Ryan? You know him?" My body froze.

My voice was just a squeak.

"He told me something interesting. You and Em were there buying a Pregnancy test?" He said his voice hard and cold.

I wanted to cry.

"It was for me." I mumbled

"I-it was F-for you?" He asked his voice trembling.

When i didn't answer he got up and walked out of the room. I ran down the hall and into Jamie's room.

I sat on the bed beside him,he wasn't asleep yet either. "He probably hates me." I muttered

"Hun,we both know he could never hate you. All day you're the only thing he talked about. He loves you so much. I'm sure he won't leave you no matter what." He was right and I knew it.

I got and went on a search for Tony.

I walked down stairs and felt a breeze the front door was open.

I heard rustling from the kitchen. I tiptoed to door leading to the kitchen.

I saw Alex.

And Tony they were fighting.

I screamed.

Alex's head whipped towards my direction my hands flew up to my mouth. Tony looked up at me his eyes wide.

He threw Tony down and came after me I was frozen I couldn't move.

He tackled me. He smiled at me wickedly. He had a knife in his hand. He dragged it across my jaw as I squirmed underneath him.

He managed to cut my throat a little until I felt his weight vanish from my body.

Next thing I saw Tony was at my side and Jamie was beating Alex's ass.

I brought my hand up to the wound. I flinched.

Tony put pressure on it,I was bleeding badly.

"Come on,stay with me baby." He mumbled his voice faltering from the tears.

"I love you."I said and smiled and closed my eyes.

"Don't you dare!" He yelled.

Everything was fading. I couldn't hear anything everything was black.

The only thing I could see was a bright light and a hand I placed mine gently into theirs as they pulled me towards the light.

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