Chapter 21

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So here I was making lunch for me and Tony,Im still recovering from yesterday,I'm sore as fuck but it was so worth it.

I smiled as I heard laughter full the house,Tony went to hang out with his best friend Jaxin,I guess they came back here.

Strong arms wrapped around my waist "There's my beautiful girlfriend." I smiled as Tony kissed my cheek.

He pulled away and went say down with Jaxin at our dining room table,I had met Jaxin a few times before we are close but we are good friends.

I went and sat down with them eventually giving up on trying to find something to cook.

My phone went off blaring "Lets talk about sex" I blushed as Tony just laughed at me,I went into the living room and answered it knowing who it was.

"Yes Emma?" I smile we have gotten really close and we practically tell each other everything no matter what,she is like my sister and I have no idea where I would be without her,she helped me through practically every problem.

"Vic and I are bored can we come over?" She sighed

"Sure but Tony and Jaxin are here."

"I don't care the more the better." I laughed as she hung up.

"Emma and Vic are coming over," I said as I sat by Tony once more,but he just continued his conversation,I was use to it he didn't mind if the guys came over,they usually stayed here most of the time.

The doorbell rang so I went and answered it noticing that Tony was too engrossed in his conversation with Jaxin.

I told Vic where Tony was,and Em followed me up the stairs to mine and Tonys room.

"Are you okay em? You seem tense."

"Well,you remember crystal? The one who's dating Ben?" I nodded,me and Crystal were friends too and we were pretty close,I haven't talked to her since tour ended though.

"Well her and Ben called me the other day to share some very shocking yet exciting news."

"What was it?" I asked already anxious about it.

She asked if we could go downstairs and I just nodded,she followed me down the stairs and into the kitchen,the boys were still in there and they stopped their talk as soon as we walked in and they watched us to say the least.

I poured some tea into each glass as Em said "She's pregnant." I nearly dropped my glass.

"NO! She's not pregnant,you're kidding?" She shook her head no,I reminded myself that I need to congratulate them later.

We went and sat in the living room placing a random movie in.

We just sat on the couch and watched the movie,Jaxin walked in an told us bye.

But Tony and Vic still stayed in the kitchen,I have Em the "look"

Whenever the boys mainly Vic and Tony acted like this we knew they were keeping something from us.

We walked in the kitchen and went to the dining room,Em sat by Vic and place her hand on his leg and started a conversation with him.

I walked over to Tony and placed my arms around him placing my chin on his shoulder,he tensed.

"What's wrong?" I whispered,it was manipulative but still.

"Uh just working on a new song that's all" he replied.

I sighed knowing I wouldn't get it out of him,I sat by him and took his hand in my own and kissed his cheek.

He didn't move or smile he just sat there.

This wasn't the Tony I fell in love with,Tony would never act like this,he is always happy and upbeat. Why all the sudden would he start keeping things from me?

I could feel the tears well up in my eyes,just blink them away Summer. Don't let him have the pleasure of knowing he got to you.

Vic spoke up,"Summer? What's wrong?" Soon em's eyes were on me but Tony was still staring off.

"Don't worry guys,I'll be fine I promise." I said fake smiling

Tony finally spoke up,"so who's up for going out tonight? Just a small dinner."

Vic and Em agreed and I wiped the tears from my eyes knowing I didn't have much a choice but I still nodded.

"Em you want to help me get ready?"


She followed me up the stairs once more,I sat on my bed as she went through the my closet.

She had picked out a royal blue dress,it came just above my knees and she picked my black high heels as well.

She then picked out something for herself,she got a black party dress and my silver high heels.

I left my hair in its natural state,which was pin straight,as for makeup I just applied eyeliner and mascara.

Once we were ready we walked down the stairs,Vic complimented Em's appearance then mine. Tony just took a hold of my hand and led me to the car,while Em and Vic got in the back

I wanted to cry again,Tony never acted like this,he was always very affectionate,this was it he was going to dump me once again,I just knew it.

We arrived and walked in and were immediately were seated.

We were in a middle of a conversation when Tony got up and moved to my side and got down on one knee,I gasped

"Summer-Rain Reneé Russell,I love you so fucking much and honestly it's been killing me not to talk to you,not to compliment you,which by the way you are very pretty tonight,but I knew if I said anything I would ruin this,and I wanted to surprise you,Jaxin and Vic knew about it and Em did too,

but I just I can't express to you how beautiful or smart or amazing you are,I love you so fucking much,a year ago when you thought you were pregnant I was so scared and I wasn't ready, I wasn't ready to be a father and I wasn't ready to let go of my career

When I found out the bad news about our baby I was so dead inside,I pushed you away and I regret every second of it,Summer what I'm trying to say is I'm ready now,I want to start a life with you I want to have kids,I want to be with you in every way possible,Summer-Rain will you marry me?"

By the time he finished tears were streaming down my face,

"Yes Cesar Antonio Soto Perry I will marry you!" I said throwing my arms around his neck.

He pulled back and placed the ring on my finger and he looked into my eyes he started to lean in and I closed the gap between us.

It was perfect. I love Tony,we are engaged and think he just said he wants to have kids. I'm smiling ear to ear. Best. Day. Ever.

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