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Five Year's Later

"Daddy! Mommy!" A little voice rang throughout the house, I was standing in the kitchen making a glass of tea when I heard the pitter-patter of his little footsteps

"Mommy, Wheres da?" His meek little voice asks, I turn around and notice that he has his arm reached up to me and with a sigh I lean down and pick him up and place him on my hip.

"Daddy is out back, do you want to go see him?" I ask him as I am already heading towards the backdoor. The door is open within a matter seconds and when he sees his father's red hair he struggles to get out of my arms and on to the ground, I gently place him on the ground and he takes off.

"Daddy!" He yells and is bounding towards Alan

"Ty-Ty!" He yells and Tyler jumps into his fathers arms and Alan swings him around, like in the movies

"Hey little bud! What's up?" Alan asks as he plants a kiss on the side of Tyler's head as Ty wraps his fingers in Alan's medium length hair.

Alan holds an arm out towards me and I walk over to the two most important people in my life and give them both small pecks.

It was two months after Alan proposed when we actually got married, It was beautiful really. Having all of my close friends together and being able to marry my best friend was a true dream come true. When we got married I was close to being three months pregnant, not showing at all.

For our honey moon we stayed here, both of us agreeing that we would take it later on in our lives but we didnt want to risk anything with Ty.

Alan and I got married in october and In april Tyler Blake Ashby was born, on April ninth to be exact.

That was the happiest day of my life.

The doctor allowed Alan, Austin, Oliver,Mike, Vic and Emma in the room with me while Tyler was being born and I can say that we all cried especially Mike and Vic but I don't know if that is from meeting their nephew for the first time or because they watched their little sister give birth and was scarred for life but hey it was okay.

The first few months of Tyler being born were the hardest and a few adjustments had to be made but with everyone's help we made it and a few months after that we were able to do it all on our on and here we are now with our five year old son and living the life that we both wanted all along.

It took me some time to come clean to Alan about all of my problems and old habits like my depression and my eating disorder and he was upset at first but then it was all totally flipped he helped me with some lingering issues and he told me constantly that he loves me and all my Little Things.

But ours wasnt the only happy ending.

After several months of Tyler being born Vic proposed to Em and they have been married now for close to five years.

Jamie got together with an old highschool sweet heart and they have been dating since April of last year.

Mike has been dating a model for sometime and I am really proud of him for sticking to one lady.

Oliver proposed to his girlfriend Hannah and they are getting married soon.

Austin has been in and out of relationships but he is happy doing him and living how he does and he still loves to make music, Alan is still in Of Mice and Men,and they still tour it's hard but manageable they held off touring until Tyler was three.

Crystal went her own route and we havent heard from her in sometime but we are all happy that she is happy and living her life to the fullest.

Kellin got married and had a baby girl named copeland and he loved his family and every now and then he stopped by to vist Tyler and I.

Jesse left the band to do his own thing but he was happy.

Phil got enaged and is as proud as he can be and loves to show off his lady and we are all proud of him.

Tino is doing his own thing being his happy little self.

And last but not least, Tony. Tony was angry for a while about Alan and I but he got used to it and was even there for the birth he wasnt in the room, he was in the waiting room but he was there and he was happy as can be. Tony is actually really good with Tyler and he comes around a lot with his girlfriend and plays with Tyler. But all the guys come around especially when Alan was on tour but all three bands took some time off of touring, not because they wanted to but they were making new music and spending time with their forming families.

Everything fell in to place.

Everyone ended up happy.

We all had a lot left to accomplish but for the time being we were all happy with our Little Things that we had in life, our kids, families, the love everything. Even our problems.

This how my life turned out, I was married to my best friend and had a beautiful baby boy. My life was a lesson. Love is a lesson to be learned but after trying twice to force love into my life things didnt end how they were supposed to. I know now that I should have left it up to fate because I ended up exactly where I was supposed to be all along.

I am truly happy with my life.

We were all happy with our lives, everything ended up where we should have been all along. My life was a roller-coaster but without that my life would have been boring.

Fate always leds you to where you are supposed to be. Everything happens for a reason whether it seems like it or not you are exactly where you should be and if you think youre not, Fate has another thing coming for you.


The End.

I just want to say thank you for every single one of you that have made this book possible.

Thank you to the readers.

Thank you to my best friend Emma who always helped me when I had writers block.

Thank you to my friends who helped me along this journery.

I loved writing this book so very much and I honestly hope you guys enjoyed it.

This book has been one heck of a journey but I loved every second of it, I have been writing this book since 2014 I do believe and the journey of Summer-Rain's life is one heck of a ride but in the end it was worth it and I love this book so much.

I love every single one of you guys, new and old readers thank you so much for sticking around to see the ending of this book. I love you guys so much.

You all can always message me about anything, advice, life, or even questions about this book.

You can follow me on twitter @/ jaidopeycuntt

Thank you to everyone out there this book wouldnt have been possible without you guys! THANK YOU SO MUCH AND I LOVE YOU GUYS!

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