Chapter 14

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*Tony's Point of View*

I sat by her hospital bed,holding her hand gently in mine.

I never imagined this for the date.

Jamie was here as well as Em.

They sat on the couch next to each other,Jamie comforting Em as she let tears flow from her eyes.

I rested my head on the back of the chair.

I couldn't lose her. I couldn't. I don't think I would function correctly.

The door opened and her doctor walked in.

"How is she?" I said barley audible

"Everything seems to be okay,Except her weight,she's terribly underweight and we know she is anorexic,but you should try and get her to eat more but other than that she might be up in a couple days,an hour,maybe a few weeks we can't be sure." He said and left.

Jamie looked at me his eyes wide.

"Did you know?" He asked threw gritted teeth

I sighed,"I did know an I was helping her she was getting better but you see when you're anorexic it's hard to feed two when you can barely feed yourself." I said almost yelling and just my luck before I could finish the sentence Vic and Mike walked in.

The look on their faces told me they heard it all.

I put my head in my hands "S-she's P-pregnant?" Vic asked his voice shaking.

"Yes she is." I said louder than I meant to.

Vic sighed,"How do you plan on taking care of your girlfriend and baby. If you are on tour? Seriously Tony did you not even think about this?"

"I did and you know what I plan on helping her as much as I can and ill do whatever the fuck it is I have to do to help her." I said,shooting daggers at him.

I was beyond pissed. He made it seem like I didn't think about the consequences,I did and you know what I plan on doing everything I possibly can to help her. I don't plan on leaving her in a time of need. I don't ever want to lose her or leave her for that matter.

Mike came over and put a hand on my shoulder.

Vic was trying to make sure Em was okay and Jamie eventually said he was gonna go home and get a change of clothes then he'd back.

I honestly don't see why the guys are here I mean I know that they want to be supportive.

I looked around and saw there wasn't enough room for everyone,I looked at the bed and noticed I could probably squeeze in and that would give Vic and Em the couch and Mike could have one chair and Jamie could have the other.

I got up and sat on the edge on bed,still holding her hand in mine.

"Summer,if you can hear me,please wake up I need you everyone needs you. I told you I wouldn't let him hurt you and He did I'm sorry for breaking my promise. Just please come back I miss you so much."

I let tears fall the guys could laugh all they wanted to cause I might possibly never get to see my girlfriends beautiful eyes again,I may never get to hold her again. I know she's just my girlfriend but I care so much about her.

I rather that be me than her laying in this hospital bed.

I felt her hand move,I jumped up and caressed her face. I stared as her beautiful eyes fluttered open.

"Tony. Make it stop,it hurts." She said looking at me tears threatening to spill out of her big brown eyes.

"I'm so sorry baby,I wish I could but I cant." I kneeled down beside her bed,she turned her head to look at me and she flinched as she did so.

"How's the baby?" She said in a whisper.

"He/She is perfectly okay." I chuckled

"And are you okay?" She asked her red searching me frantically.

"Baby,you're the one in the hospital. I'm okay,the question is are you okay?"

She grinned a toothy grin and nodded her head.

The doctor walked in not to long after our little conversation.

"Everything seems to be okay,Miss.Fuentes-" Vic cut him of before he could go any further

"Excuse me but did you say Fuentes?"

The doctor nodded his head questionably at Vic then he continued,

"We are gonna have to keep you over night,just to make sure you are okay then you can go home tomorrow." The he left.

Vic looked her,his eyes wide,"Summer,Why didn't you tell me!" He yelled

I stood up and glared at him,I was confused but he doesn't need to yell at her.

"Because! I was hoping you'd remember your own sister but apparently not!" She shouted back.

I backed up and looked at her "You're Vic's sister?"

She sighed "Yes I am indeed Mike and Vic's sister." I looked back at Vic,he stormed out of the room.

After the little argument everyone left but me of course. I could tell things would be awkward for the next few days.

I was pacing the room thinking,why didn't I see the resemblance?

I looked at her and smiled,she made my heart melt,she made my mind go blank,she made me have butterflies.

She scooted over and patted the spot beside her,I walked over took my shoes off and climbed in the be with her.

I put one of my arms under her head like a pillow and she cuddled into my side.

"Tony,I do love you,Like a lot. Words couldn't explain." She sweet yet soft voice said

"I love you,too. So much,My heart hurts cause I love you so much." I kissed her forehead.

She wrapped her arms around my torso. She traced the tattoos on my arm.

"Tony,could I get a tattoo?" The question took me by shock she looked so fragile.

"I suppose,but what of?"

"I've always wanted a damaged rose. It's still a fiery red but it's ripped and the petals are falling and they are torn and it's been tattered but it still glows. It symbolizes my heart,no matter what I put it through it still glows." She whispered as she continued tracing my tattoos.

It was an good idea. "It's an good idea I'll give you that." I said,I don't know why but when she traced my tattoos like that it turned me on..

But still I'm not gonna do anything in a hospital bed and I'm sure since she's hooked up to a heart monitor the nurses would be very frantic.

I chuckled to myself. She sat up careful not to rip her i.v. out and she straddled me,but I could tell she didn't want anything to happen.

She took my hat off and played with my hair. She ran her fingers through it,she finally decided to braid it.

I laughed "You know I must love you a lot to let you do this cause nobody touches the hair." She smiled and kissed my cheek lightly

I put my hands on her hips and looked into her eyes. They were beautiful,they were brown and I was mesmerized.

I lifted her gown a little and put my hands on her stomach she smiled at me and placed hers over mine.

I can't believe she's already pregnant. I'm so glad that I'm having a kid and its with her,it makes me so happy but she didn't get to live like I got too,shes only 19.

I took my hands away and gently placed them back on her hips.

She's so beautiful. I got my phone out and took a picture of her. Even for being in a hospital for 24 hours she still looks amazing.

I uploaded it to twitter with the caption "My beautiful Baby girl whom I love with all my heart."

We hadn't officially been released to the public yet but now we have.

Let the hate begin.

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