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Chris was being dramatic when he implied that Gordie was going to have to choose between him and school. Because during his second year of city college Gordie applied to another, his original, dream school. He got in easily. As expected of Chris, but not himself.
He didn't immediately pack up and leave Chris behind though. In reality, Gordie had become too attached to Chris (again) to even think of that idea.
All the fear and suspicion Gordie had of him had gradually been chipped away with Chris's guidance and persuasion. Of course it was subtle persuasion, like being extra affectionate to Gordie when he was in a bad mood, going over the top with his compliments and even whipping up meals that were solely for Gordie, despite his hatred of cooking. Old Cobras-phase Chris would have bullied his future self for being such a suck up to Gordie. But, whatever he had to do to wedge his way back into Gordie's heart, he'd do.

The boys continued to 'date' even though Gordie was accepted into a different college. It wasn't until next fall that he had to switch campuses, so he still had time for Chris.
Their 'dates' consisted of study sessions in various locations. Sometimes they would be at the library, a coffee shop or just in their dorm room. Nonetheless they were spending time with each other.
The whole reason why they, mainly Gordie, focused so much time into Chris's academics was so he could get into the same college he did.

"Did we get mail today?" Gordie asked as he shrugged his bag off of his shoulder. Today was the last possible day for Chris to receive a letter that he got into the same college Gordie did. He applied to the school later than the brunette, so neither of the boys knew if his application would even be acknowledged.

"Mhm.. I'm looking right now." Chris answered quietly. The tension in the room was eating at both of the boys, Gordie more than Chris. He wouldn't know what he would do if he couldn't drag Chris along with him to his new college.
Since the very beginning when they had begun dating as teens Gordie had taken most of the responsibility for Chris's academics. The guilt would tear him to pieces if Chris didn't get in.

"Well?" Gordie peeped despite Chris's fingers still steadily sifting through their mail.
The smaller boy slowly made his way from the kitchen to where Chris was standing next to the door. Gordie's arm slithered around his, squeezing it reassuringly. His cheek rested on Chris's arm as another sign of comfort and support.

"Hold on.." Chris whispered as his brows furrowed whenever he had to read the return addresses on the letters.

"You know it's okay if you don't get in," Gordie breathed out. Chris was nearing the end of their mail pile. Gordie's clutch on his stayed tight and needy. His head turned to the side so he could press a soft kiss into Chris's arm.
"I don't have to go there anyways. There's a bunch of others schools for both of-"

"Oh shit I was worried for a second," Chris smirked as he held a letter from Gordie's dream college up in front of his doe eyes.
"But, this doesn't mean I'm in. We're only halfway there."

"I know I know just open it!" Gordie grinned and nearly began jumping up and down like a little kid.
Chris ripped the letter out and dropped the envelope on the floor. Both of their hearts were pounding. Chris's out of fear of disappointing Gordie, and Gordie's out of a pure adrenaline rush.
Chris's shaky hands unfolded the letter. He held the paper up close to his eyes which were quickly skimming over the contents inside.

"Lemme see! I wanna read it too! What does it say?" Gordie pushed himself up on the tips of his toes, holding onto Chris for support.
"Let me see! Put it down here." He repeated as he yanked Chris's arms down so the paper would be down at Gordie's shorter height.

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