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Gordie gasped softly and pulled back once he saw a pair of shimmering blue eyes open.

"I-I'm sorry! I- really I didn't mean too!" He panicked and threw his hands up in defense. His eyes dashed around Chris's face, searching for any sign of discomfort before squeezing them shut. The younger boy turned his head away in a flinch, and was already wincing from a punch he hadn't shockingly received.
Chris stared at him for a couple seconds before shaking his head reassuringly.

"I seriously don't know what came over me and-"

"It's okay." Chris murmured calmly and placed his hand on Gordie's cheek.

"No, I mean I really don't know why I did that. I mean I thought you were asleep. I didn't-"
Chris interrupted the stuttering boy with a returned gentle kiss. He pulled back as Gordie's eyes fluttered back open and he gained back the feeling in his numb lips.

"I don't know why I did that either. Both times," A sly smile tugged at the corner of the blonde's mouth as he continued. "So um.. how far do you want to take this?"
Gordie's mouth plopped open a little in surprise as his cheeks flushed a light red, clearly not helping him hide his embarrassed and very unexperienced habits. His eyes were still filled to the brim with alarm even after seeing how calm and accepting Chris had taken the situation.


This confused statement drew a chuckle from the older boy.

"How far do you want to take this?" Chris repeated, but this time more amused. Gordie anxiously let out the breath he didn't know he was holding, and then spoke.

"I don't-um well you know." Gordie's blush spread to his ears and neck. He rubbed his clammy hands together under the sheets, making his palms even sweatier than they were before.
Chris's eyes narrowed down on him, with a slight head tilt. He had clearly picked up on Gordie's skittish body language and all the little ticks he unintentionally did when he got nervous. The smile was still plastered on Chris's face though. That gave Gordie a sliver of confidence.

"I mean we.." He gave Chris a small, shy shrug with a matching shy smile. Gordie inched closer to the strangely peaceful boy beside him. He slowly leaned in for the second time tonight, gently pressed his lips onto Chris's.
It was only a split second where there was zero movement between the two. It was simply an innocent, almost childish, peck on the lips.
Then, like the previous time, Chris began his same routine. His top row of teeth pressed briefly into Gordie's bottom lip. This caused him to squeak and quickly pull back.

"You know you don't have to be so rough. We aren't fighting." Gordie pointed out with a couple small, breathless pants. Chris's head tilted to the side in confusion.
"Hm?" He hummed softly.
Gordie sank his teeth into his bottom lip (almost mirroring what Chris had down a couple seconds ago, just with more nervousness), and frowned. This was definitely going to be hard to explain without sounding completely perverted.

"I mean.. all the stuff you do when we," Gordie paused for a moment. "Kiss."

"What do you mean stuff?"

The fact that Chris couldn't comprehend anything he was doing practically yanked Gordie's heartstrings out. He didn't know he was being rough. Chris had never been introduced to a gentle, loving touch before.
The brunette sighed and shook his head. He looked down at his hands for a moment as he fumbled with the sheets covering his body. Gordie cleared his throat quietly after gathering up his words into a somewhat understandable sentence.

"Well.. the..the.., like the stuff that hurts." Gordie said and ran his finger gently over his bottom lip, which was somewhat swollen and had little teeth imprints you wouldn't catch at first glance, but could definitely feel if you touched Gordie's lip.

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