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Gordie braced himself for a swinging fist to come crashing down on the center of his face. You were never supposed to stare at someone for that long, let alone a person of the same gender. It was considered rude, creepy even.

But he wasn't the only one staring.

Gordie had no idea how long the blonde on top of him had been watching. He just simply knew that he was, and still is. Watching his small chest rise and fall. Watching each time he blinked, anticipating the next moment where he would see his brown eyes flash open again. Chris was watching.

"I-listen, I-" Chris's eyes told him to shut up. Whether Gordie liked it or not, he had encumbered the burden of Chris's attention.
His furrowed brows and concentrated eyes intimated Gordie nonetheless, but there was something else lingering in his expression.
Before Gordie could figure out what emotion he was masking so well, Chris leaned down and pressed his chapped lips against Gordie's in one swift motion. His hands latched onto Gordie's waist and hips, as if it was a natural instinct. Any person could tell that he had experience in these types of activities by the way he knew where to grip the smaller boy to make him squirm.

Much like his personality, the kiss was rough and aggressive. It wasn't innocent and gentle like what you would imagine a first kiss to be. It was more of an action being forced out of anger rather than love.

Unlike Chris, Gordie was completely shocked. His brain had went completely blank, which was rare for the young boy. His eyes were wide open, his fists clenching the sheets beneath him.  It felt like his entire body had been turned to stone, which encased him from any movement whatsoever. The fact that this was real and all happening right now would take a couple days to finally set in for him. His entire body was frozen still, almost as if Chris had paused the illusion of time, and he was the only one who could now move.

Gordie's chocolate brown eyes flashed from each of Chris's sharp features to the next. First his closed left eye, then the right.

Of course they were closed, he thought. If his eyes were open he would've definitely stopped by now.
Which made the younger of the two realize, that he hadn't made a single effort to stop this. Gordie was letting all this happen, without a second thought. Why didn't he immediately jerk his head away, or push Chris off of him. With all these thoughts coursing through his brain, his body still managed to stay as still as a corpse.

Chris gently nipped at the boy's bottom lip, leaving it a bit swollen and red. It felt tingly, a new sensation Gordie was being introduced to. It had boggled the young boy's mind;
Why do people like doing this so much?

It hurt. Well, maybe not hurt, but it definetly didn't feel like anything he'd want to experience again. 

Maybe it was because this was a boy he was kissing, he assumed. But girls don't kiss like this, do they? Maybe this was just Chris.
Maybe this was how Chris was taught to love.
All aggressive and rushed. Not one ounce of compassion in either of their actions. Of course boys shouldn't be kissing each other, but any kiss between any couple wasn't supposed to hurt.

Chris's rough padded thumb rubbed slow small circles into Gordie's slender hipbones. The brunette's face flushed into a dark red, his eyes staring down at the large hands touching him. He unknowingly let out a small squeak into the older boy's mouth, not able to control half the reactions his body was having. The hair on the back of Gordie's neck stood up in a swift shiver once he felt Chris's hands slide up his shirt.
Gordie couldn't even bare to watch. His eyes jumped back to the face of the boy towering over him. If Gordie kept watching what was going on down below, he might have shocked himself into unconsciousness.

Chris, being completely lost in the moment, smoothly slid up to Gordie's bare waist, before reaching up even further under his shirt.  To his surprise, his fist clenched the air right where he thought a breast would be. That's when he realized he wasn't kissing a girl.

The blonde quickly pulled all contact he had away from the smaller boy. Gordie panted heavily, staring at everything except for the pair of hungry blue eyes above.

"I can't do this with a guy." He said, as if he was convincing himself.

"What do you mean? You're the one who came onto me." Gordie breathed as he slowly sat up, still avoiding any awkward eye contact.

"Yeah and if you tell a fucking soul about this I'll kill you." Chris threatened. He sounded like an angry beast more than a pissed off teenage boy.
"Why would I tell?"
Chris nearly burst into a million pieces at that question.
"Because! You and those two other retards are like three fucking little girls that tell each other everything, and I don't need Ace or the rest of the gang finding out that I thought the poor little Lachance kid was my next girl! I can't have anyone-" He nearly shouted, and would have probably kept ranting for the next hour if it wasn't for Gordie's short amount of patience.

"Well guess what, Chambers, the poor little Lachance kid has got some common sense. I know you'd get murder by that ridiculous gang you're in," He paused and waited for Chris to end his muttering about how the cobras weren't ridiculous, "And I don't even know what my father would say. Let alone what he would do. And speaking of him, would you shut the fuck up. If they hear you and see you in my fucking bed with me then you better kiss my ass goodbye." Gordie told him in a definite hushed voice, but you could still hear the slight edge in his tone.

With the fear of getting caught and kicked out by Gordie's parents (which would mean Chris would have to walk home and deal with his father screaming and punching walls), Chris went quiet. In fact, he was so quiet to the point were it got uncomfortable.

Gordie's hands anxiously rubbed the rough denim on his thighs to ease the sudden nerve he had been weighed down with. He took a sharp breath in before speaking.

"You can uh-still- uh stay the night." Gordie's cracked and uneasy offer broke the silence at last.

"I can sleep on the floor if you want-"

"No. It's okay," Gordie interrupted for the second time that night. "It's fine."
And with that, Gordie scooted over to the left side of his bed while Chris crawled over and slumped down on the right. Out of the corner of his eye Chris could see Gordie's slender arm reach down for his comforter and pull it over his body, along with Chris's.
Gordie sighed. Chris chuckled.

"So, uh, night." The shorter boy spoke before anything could get worse.
"Mhm." Chris hummed and closed his eyes. He lifted his right arm up and rested his head on his palm.

Both boys tossed and turned the entire night. One was awake and the other wasn't.
Gordie had been in deep thought ever since he ended their pathetic small talk. His brain had been so busy with thoughts, but he couldn't remember what any of those thoughts were. That frustrated him, along with his clock that now read:

The small boy aggressively flipped his body over, clenching the pillowcase under his head.

Oh right, He thought once he was face to face with the boy laying next to him. Chris.
It felt like he hadn't blinked since the second Chris placed his lips on his. As if he did it on purpose, Chris had fallen asleep facing him. Gordie could tell he was asleep by how heavy and slow he was breathing. It was nice seeing a Chambers at such peace. It was also a little strange, almost as if this sleeping boy next to him wasn't Chris Chambers. It was a mysterious boy that didn't have a name. A boy that was kind, friendly, and not violent whatsoever. This new boy wouldn't abandon Gordie after this unpredictable night. He would stay the night and many similar others to come.
Gordie scooted a little closer.
He wanted this unnamed, peaceful boy to stay present in his life. To never suddenly vanish and never come back like his brother did.
Gordie slowly leaned in.
He wanted to see this boy's face everyday. He wanted to talk with him everyday. Smile and laugh along with him. There wouldn't be any yelling or stupid gangs to worry about. No nonconsensual kissing followed up by name calling and arguing.
Everything would be peaceful and happy.
Gordie pressed a gentle kiss onto Chris's slightly parted mouth.

Chris flinched awake.

tysm for reading! love you and stay safe!

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