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The next day at school Gordie was the first one to show up. He wanted to get there as early as he could so he could watch all the kids come in, hopefully seeing Chris mixed up with them. A whole hour passed and most of the students had flooded the hallways, rambling and yelling at each other. The small framed brunette was leaning up against his locker, impatiently tapping his foot.

"Come on, Chris, where are you?" He mumbled to himself and crossed his arms tightly.

Gordie's eyes narrowed down at the clock hanging loosely from the wall above. A gloomy frown took over his expression, his entire heart wishing he could pause time, go find Chris, and unpause it again.

Gordie sighed so hard his bangs flew up a bit, his feet scurrying off into his first class even though the bell hadn't rung yet. He wanted to get there first so he could watch every student that came in the class, just as he had planned.
Gordie sat down, tossing his stuff to the floor carelessly. He only had a few seconds of silence before the bell rang and kids flooded inside the classrooms. Face after face came pushing into the class, but no luck. None of those faces resembled the image of a well built, tan skinned, sandy haired boy Gordie had put together so thoughtfully in his mind.
After everyone at taken their seat, Mr. Jones came up to Gordie, giving him an almost pleased look.

"Well, Gordon? I don't see Mr. Chambers anywhere so I-" He began, but the door slammed open. Chris came stumbling into the classroom half asleep and breathing heavily, as if he were Vern after running a marathon.

"I'm here!" He announced loudly and plopped down in the seat next to Gordie. He yawned and laid his head down on his desk.
Mr. Jones gripped his fists a little, walking back to the front of the class. He gave Chris a disgruntled look over his shoulder as if he wanted him to not be here. Like he deserved to do bad.

A pair of doe eyes landed onto Chris, staring at him for a little longer than he should've. The boy the doe eyes belonged to hesitantly reached over and shook Chris's shoulder lightly.

"It's not nap time, stupid," Gordie laughed quietly, his furrowed brow (which meant he was deep in thought) quickly turned soft and admirable again.
"Sit up or he'll yell at you." He whispered to Chris, who quickly straightened up and stared at Mr. Jones with awaiting eyes.

After a never ending lecture that totally wasn't aimed right at Chris about how you should never be late and how to avoid being late, Mr. Jones began reannouncing the partners for the english project.

"See," Gordie tapped Chris's shoe with his own. "Listen he's gonna call our names pretty soon. If you didn't show up today I woulda had to do the work for some other lazy asshole." He gave him a playful smile.
Chris returned the smile, except it was more mischievous than playful.

"Be happy it was this lazy asshole, Lachance," He motioned to himself. "Cause if it was anyone else they'd have your head on a shiny-"

"Christopher Chambers," Mr. Jones spoke in a know-it-all tone. If Chris had brought his head up any faster his neck would have snapped.
"And Gordon Lachance. You two are.. working together?" He judged. It was barely even a question.

"Mhm." Gordie nodded. The middle aged teacher simply shook his head a disappointment. Gordie and Chris were practically opposites. Gordon being an all A's student and a suck up to any teacher that spoke to him. He'd do just about anything for good grades, those same grades he would bring home every night at dinner in attempt to catch his father's eye. Gordie would bat his eyelashes and put on a fake, sweet tone for any teacher he was stuck with. Christopher on the other hand only went to school to cause trouble and beat up the lower classmen.

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