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Chris woke up at around eleven am. His first class started at twelve, so he had some time.
A throbbing pain inside of his skull greeted him as he began to wake up. It was a very familiar sensation he knew all to well.
He was hungover, again.

"God.." Chris groaned as he sat up in his cramped bed. He reached his arms up to the ceiling and stretched. He swung his legs over his bed and walked into the bathroom, but not before glancing at Gordie's empty bed.

Just like everyday since the boys started living together, Gordie was already gone before Chris even woke up. His classes started at seven in the morning. Early and exhausting. Just how he liked it.

Chris ran his hand through his messy mop of bed-head hair in hopes of ripping apart at least some of the knots. He raised an eyebrow at his reflection in the mirror before glaring at himself.

"God.. my fucking head." Chris mumbled to himself as he opened the medicine cabinet and swallowed a Tylenol. Despite his body's protests to go back to sleep, Chris pulled off his boxers and climbed into the shower.

Of course, the entire time Chris was getting ready for class, he was thinking back to the night before. Unlike Gordie who Chris knew was shaking with rage and regret at the thought of last night, it made Chris smile. He never thought he would see Gordie ever again, let alone have sex with him. He was pretty proud of himself.
He didn't even notice the goofy little smile that spread on his face while he was showering.

Chris exited his dorm room with an orange that he would only eat half of in one hand and worn down tan book bag in the other.

On his right, a boy who looked around Chris's age walked out of the dormitory next to him. He glanced over at him and snickered, which caught Chris's attention. The boy gave him an approving nod as to saying,
'I heard you last night. Good job, man.'

Chris raised an eyebrow at the boy and returned the mischievous look. He had to fight the urge to laugh right in the boy's face. He thought Gordie was a girl.
Oh shit. Gordie.
Gordie was going to literally explode if he found out people heard him and Chris's... late night activities. A chill ran up Chris's spine as he recalled Gordie's brutal nagging sessions.

"Jesus..," He breathed out and chewed on the inside of his cheek.
"Whatever. I just won't tell'em." He shrugged and headed off to class, trying to ignore the idea of Gordie finding out by someone else other than Chris.

If that were to happen, Chris's corpse would never be found.

The day went pretty smooth and Chris's hungover symptoms faded away. His classes went by very fast, just like they always did. He would always unintentionally daydream, whether it be about Gordie or something random, but most of the time he would think about Gordie.

Everyday the blonde would arrive back at his dormitory in the early evening, finish most of his homework, eat and then get drunk.
But today was different. Today he was going to sit Gordie down and talk to him whether he liked it or not. Judging from last night, Gordie despised talking to Chris, especially about his feelings. Of course that wasn't what the conversation would be about, but Chris knew Gordie would still throw a fit either way.

Chris unlocked the dorm room's front door and quickly walked inside. He knew Gordie was already home. Since his classes were earlier he would arrive home earlier as well.
Chris also knew that the brunette was either at his desk doing his homework, on his bed reading, or in the kitchen. He had memorized all the boy's favorite little spots just so he knew where to look whenever he came home.

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