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"What the fuck is the point of math? Like, the whole world could care less about triangles." Gordie thought out loud and chewed on the end of his pencil. It was around 5:30 pm and Gordie had been procrastinating on his homework for about an hour now. The whole process of finding the area of a triangle just didn't seem worth it to him. He'd rather be spending his time scribbling about the things that popped up in his mind. The only thing in his brain right now was that stupid Chambers kid. That's the only thing Gordie could absolutely not write about. He couldn't even bare to look at the boy. Just thinking about him made Gordie angry, and then realizing he had math homework to finish made him even more frustrated.

"God, I hate this-" Gordie began to complain, but froze. His voice got caught in his throat when he heard soft sobs coming from Denny's room.
Gordie never knew what to do in these situations, but by the sound of the voice it sounded like his father was crying. Out of sympathy, but mostly out of stress, Gordie stood up and quietly made his way down the hallway, towards Denny's room. It had always been off limits since he died. Gordie's parents didn't want any of his old possessions being touched or stolen. Even by his own brother.

Gordie creaked open the door, making sure to stand on the balls of his feet as he tip toed behind his father. The old, depressed man was hunched over on his knees, clutching a picture of Denny and his glamorous prom date while balling his eyes out. Although Gordie felt bad for his parents, he also thought it was quite pathetic that they were still upset over Denny's death. There's more to life than Denny and his perfection.

"Dad?" Gordie said, almost whispering. He took a couple hesitant steps closer to his devastated father.
"You okay?" Gordie reached out to place a reassuring hand on his father's shoulder.
His Dad gasped and flipped around, staring up at Gordie like a deer in headlights. His cheeks were stained with tears and it looked like he hadn't gotten any sleep in weeks.

"Gordon?! What are you doing in here?! Get out!" Gordie's father shouted. His shaking finger pointed to the door.

"I was just trying to see if you were okay.." Gordie said.

"You know you're not allowed in here." He scolded and stood up.

Gordie's blood began to boil. It was like his father was acting like he and Denny weren't family. It just wasn't fair.

"Denny was my brother too! I would never try to mess up any of his shit! I loved him too!" Gordie snapped and started to tear up. He always wished he could've told Denny how much he loved him before he died.

"That's it. Get out!"

"No I'm not gonna fucking get out! All I was trying to do was comfort you," Gordie screamed and wiped a tear that was sliding down his cheek. "It's been six months, Dad! Get over it! I loved him as much as you did and I'm over it! He's dead! Denny's fucking dead and you can't do anything about it!" Hearing those words come out of his mouth made his heartbreak, but there wasn't one bit of sadness left in him. Gordie wasn't crying anymore. He was just screaming out of anger.
Gordie's father grabbed his shoulder and dragged him downstairs.

"Goddamnit! Let go!" Gordie demanded and pulled on his father's hand while his feet stumbled down stairs. With one hand his father slammed open the door and shoved Gordie outside.

"You're not coming back until tomorrow, you hear me? Not until you control that mouth of yours." His father snarled and shut the door on Gordie's face. Gordie gasped and tried to open the door, but it was already locked.

"You can't do this! I fucking live here," Gordie shouted and shook the door knob. "Dad!" He pulled and pulled on the door handle. "I hate you!"
He gave up. Gordie's hands were red and exhausted. He felt dizzy and sensitive. His nerves were on a high.

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