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"How long will my parents be gone? What's that supposed to mean, Chris?" Gordie asked as his shy smile grew even more.

"Well... you know," Chris began while running his hand through his hair. "I need to know how long they'll be gone so I can figure out if I can stay. I already know your parents don't like me."
Gordie's expression faltered with disappointment for a swift second before the small smile reappeared on his blushing face.

"Really? That's the only reason you want them gone? Not for anything else?" He mumbled as he took a step impossibly closer to the taller boy,
fiddling with his hands behind his back.

"No Gordie, nothing else. What else were you thinking?"

They were both very guilty of thinking the same thing, but neither wanted to spit it out and form it into words. Gordie didn't because he was far to shy. Obviously. Chris didn't because he adored pushing people past their precious, sensitive limits.

"I wasn't thinking anything actually. I was just curious. That's all." Gordie shrugged and readjusted his footing in a quick spin so his back would be facing Chris.

"Liar." Chris grabbed onto Gordie's waist and flipped him back around.

Me?" Gordie seemed disturbingly confident. He barely had any pride for himself, so it was kind of weird not seeing him shrink down and always stay quiet during a confrontation.
"I'm lying? Why? What do you think I'm lying about?"

Now, it was originally Chris's intention to push Gordie past his limit, but now it seems like it's heading in the other direction. Gordie was playing dumb, which was gradually getting on Chris's nerves.

"Gordie," Chris started with of course. "We both know you're lying. So why don't you just tell me why you thought I wanted your parents gone." There was a slight edge to his voice. A very sharp and annoyed edge. His fingertips slightly dig into Gordie's waist, but he didn't notice.

"Why are you so grumpy? I'm only playing."

"You're acting really weird and plus, you're not telling me the truth."

Gordie's smile grew even more, making his cheeks a little sore. A small side of him actually agreed with Chris. He was acting a little weird. The other half said he wasn't acting weird enough.

"Well mister Chambers," Gordie pushed Chris's hands off of his waist and gave him a playful smile. "Guess you've caught me. I was lying, but now I have to tell you the truth." He sat down on the edge of his bed and crossed his left leg over his right.

"Well? Go on. Keep talking." Chris egged him on and crossed his arms over his chest expectantly. He took a couple steps closer, because now Gordie was on his bed, not up in Chris's face, which made him feel a little empty.

"I was just thinking that you wanted my parents gone for other reasons, Chris. That's all. Nothing special." Gordie mumbled as he played with a string hanging loose from one of his blankets.

"Awh, man. You're just asking for it now." Chris said with a small head shake.

"Why are you so far away?"


"Come closer."

Chris stepped one step forward and stared down at the boy.

"Remember when we were wrestling and... and did that other stuff that one time?" Gordie's voice was a lot quieter now.

"Lachance," Chris began, but Gordie quickly cut him off.

"That was kinda fun, I guess. Not fun, but you know." Gordie muttered and stared away.
That memory of their 'wrestling and other stuff' as Gordie put it flashed before Chris's eyes, pushing him past his breaking point.

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