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Next thing they knew it was winter, then spring and then summer. School had gone by quicker than you could say school sucks.
The boy's relationship had grown stronger and tighter over the school year, and the next three months of summer would only improve their bond even more.

It was the first morning of summer and both boys had decided to walk down to a lake south of Castle Rock together. No one really went down to that particular lake because it was down a hill, which meant you had to walk up a hill to return home, and no one wanted to do that. So, with the lake being deserted, it gave Chris and Gordie some much needed privacy.

When the two boys walked up on the lake's dock, Gordie immediately laid his towel down.

"What are you doing?" Chris asked as he dropped his rolled up towel next to Gordie.

"Nothing," Gordie replied simply as he laid down on his towel. "Hey are you sure this waters clean? Like there aren't any.. oh I dunno like bugs or uh leeches in there?"

Chris gave Gordie a blank stare before shaking his head.

"No there's no bugs or leeches- well I mean there's prolly some bugs, but nothing to worry about." Chris shrugged.
Gordie had never told him his 'leeches story' before, mainly out of embarrassment. He would leave that awful story for another time.

"I hope you're not gonna lay there the whole day." Chris mumbled as he pulled off his shirt.

"I won't I won't." Gordie insisted and waved Chris away as though he were a pesky fly.
Chris shrugged his shoulders. He knew by now that verbally persuading Gordie had no effect on him. Physically persuading him could work though.

"Come onnn." Chris groaned as he bent down and picked Gordie up.

"What are you doing?"

"We didn't walk all the way here just for you to lay here." Chris smiled smugly as he picked the smaller boy up and tossed him into the water.
He quickly jumped in the second Gordie left his arms.
When Chris noticed brunette hair rising from under the water, he laughed.

"See now I told you that you should've just-"

Gordie wasted no time, and quickly spat out the water he had saved in his mouth right in Chris's face. He let out a satisfied giggle before disappearing underwater.

"Oh you're asking for it now, Lachance." Chris smiled as he wiped the water off his face and followed him underwater. He grabbed onto Gordie's leg, yanking him back. Chris then grabbed onto Gordie's torso, tickling him as best he could under the water.
Gordie shook his head, one hand over his mouth and the other waving around in Chris's face. The blonde paused his tickling and stared at him.

"You're gonna make me laugh." Gordie said, although talking underwater wasn't the easiest way to communicate.
Chris tilted his head in confusion.

"You're gonna make me laugh." Gordie repeated, but this time with a lot more pronunciation so Chris could read his lips.
Now understanding, he shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't care." Chris mouthed back and continued to tickle the boy.
Gordie burst out laughing, accidentally inhaling a ton of water. He swatted Chris's hands away, swimming above the water and coughing hysterically.

"You asshole, I told you not to do that!" Gordie scoffed.

"Aw calm down, Gordie. You'll be fine," Chris smirked slyly as he pushed Gordie's head back underwater. "You're always so dramatic," He continued as Gordie squirmed around underneath his hand. "Like, didn't we come here to swim in the first place?" He added as Gordie wiggled out of Chris's hold and popped above the water again.

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