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Gordie was definitely awake, but he refused to open his eyes for one solid reason.
He didn't really mind school actually (in fact he thoroughly enjoyed it, especially when the teachers would shower him with compliments), it was just the people that went out of their way to hurt him that he minded.

Gordie, where would someone possibly start? He's the perfect target for anyone who's having a bad day and wanted to get their anger out.
Just at first glance you could tell he got stuck with all the bad genes, especially if you compared him to his older brother. Dennis Lachance stood at an intimidating 6'1, and weighed around 150 pounds. Despite the age gap, which Gordie always used as an excuse to not look like his brother, Gordie was the complete and utter opposite of him. He stood at a mere 5'5, (while all the other boys his age were having their growth spurts), and well, his weight. The thing he was most insecure about.
That's why he would strictly wear sweaters during every season except summer. That's why he would prefer to sit under a tree and watch his friends go swimming while he happily kept his clothes on. Gordie hadn't even hit one hundred pounds yet. He was close though, just not close enough.
His personality didn't help him too much either. Gordie had always been incredibly shy and quiet ever since he could talk. His emotions would always get the best of him at the worst times, and his anxieties would skyrocket whenever he had to walk anywhere in Castle Rock alone.
Not to mention the fact that he was a straight A student, and the whole school knew about it. So, whenever someone that was taller than 5'5 and weighed over one hundred pounds got a bad grade or just didn't feel like doing their homework, they would go to Gordie. And by go, I mean they would shove him into a wall and threaten him if he didn't finish their work by tomorrow.
But, besides that, school was okay.

Gordie groaned and rolled over to peak at his alarm clock which hadn't gone off yet.
He had woken up fourteen minutes earlier than he was supposed to.

Great, Gordie thought, He didn't need sleep anyways.

Speaking of sleep, he had the strangest dream last night.
Him and Chris were.. well.. Gordie couldn't put the words together. It was so simple, but so scary.
They were kissing.
The thought made Gordie shiver, but it didn't disgust him. Chris had also spent the night and-

Chris. That's right. Gordie had fallen asleep with Chris right by his side, but had woken up without him. That put a definite frown on his face.

Did he say something wrong? Was all that 'showing him real love' thing too much? Was Chris currently telling the Cobras that the little Lachance kid tried to kiss him?

That had sent a chill down the boy's spine. He couldn't possibly picture his physical state of the Cobras found out he went faggot.
But Chris had been awfully worried about their dirty secret getting out, so why would he tell anyways?

Either way, Gordie had spooked himself awake by now. He sat up with a satisfying stretch and began getting ready for school.

Gordie strolled into the empty kitchen while squeezing the warm water out of his damp hair, leaning back so it wouldn't drip on his shirt. He grabbed his backpack with a huff and walked out the door.
His parents had already gone to work by now, which left the house completely empty, and frankly, Gordie was actually happy about that. All morning he had been thinking about Chris, and if he had to attempt another depressing conversation with his father while thinking so deeply about a Chambers boy, he might have passed out.
He sighed softly as he locked his front door and smacked his stomach when it growled hungrily. He didn't have time for breakfast this morning. Keeping track of the time was especially hard for him, considering how wrongfully exciting last night was. During his daily shower he had completely gotten lost inside of a glorious daydream.
If Chris stayed the full night and they skipped school together, because in Gordie's world school didn't matter, at least when he didn't want it to. In that world Chris wouldn't let those mean boys hurt him and force him to do their work. In that world Chris would stop being a Cobra and spend more time with him. They would do their schoolwork together and he would try his best to help him.
Gordie had gotten so deep into every detail of those secret thoughts that he really began to believe school didn't matter and he had no where to go after this.
Once he did remember school though he nearly threw himself out of the shower and into his room to put some clothes on.

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