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Eyeball and Chris always stuck together. Eyeball and Ace always stuck together. So, every now and then if you were that unlucky you would run into those three on the streets. Today, Gordie was that unlucky while walking home from the third day of junior high.

The second he turned the corner he could see them walking down the sidewalk. Since Chris was shorter than the other two he always stood in the middle. Eyeball had his arm around Chris and every now and then he would mess up Chris's hair, earning him a shove and a couple hateful curses. Eyeball would merely laugh and swing his arm back around Chris. While the two brothers were teasing each other, Ace was busy lighting up a cigarette or staring at any girl who walked by's ass.

Gordie knew it was the Cobras from the minute he saw their cocky strut and matching haircuts. Most of the gang had long greasy hair that they would always slick back. The only person who didn't grow out and grease up their hair was Eyeball. The rest of the gang were twins.

Gordie knew he couldn't run away in the other direction. They would either mock him about it next time he ran into them, or would chase him down the street. He also couldn't hide behind a trash can or building because they had already seen him and were approaching him with identical, mischievous smirks.

"Look who's stopping to say hi." Ace grinned and stood right in Gordie's way.

"Come on, Ace, I don't wanna start any trouble." Gordie said. There was an annoyed edge to his voice that he couldn't cover up.

"Hey how's your brother doing? Tell him I said hi." Eyeball said. Gordie knew he didn't mean that. He, as well as the whole town, knew Denny was dead.

"Eyeball, hey, you know better than that. The kid's brother is dead." Ace said. He said it with this nasty, ugly smile. Like something was funny about Gordie's brother being dead. Like there was something to laugh about.

"I bet there's maggots eating his brain from the inside out." Eyeball snickered and scrunched up his nose.
Ace and Eyeball chuckled at their own disgusting jokes and looked down at Chris expecting him to say something. Chris was just staring at Gordie. The once devilish grin, which completely matched Ace's, was now wiped off his face. He was wondering what it would be like if his older brother died. How hard that must have been. Feeling the eyes burning into his temples he nervously glanced at Ace, then Gordie. Chris anxiously ran his hand through his thick, greasy hair and spoke.

"No, come on guys," Chris said, shaking his head. "There can't be maggots eatin' his brain cause he never had one to begin with."
The three burst out laughing.

That's when Gordie snapped. Tears flooded from his eyes and as much as he wanted to hold them in and pretend nothing was bothering him, he couldn't. His fists clenched and he glared at the three boys in hatred.

"Why would you say something like that?! Denny's dead can't you show a little fucking respect?!" Gordie growled and stormed off. That would be the first and last time he would ever talk back to one of the Cobras.

Gordie could barely take one step before a strong hand grabbed his shoulder and aggressively whipped him around, slamming him up against a wall.

"You better cool down, hot stuff." Chris warned in a low voice.

This was the first time Gordie could really examine Chris's face. His eyes would be a beautiful, peaceful blue if all the violence and anger would clear up out of them. Most of the outfit he was wearing was stolen out of Eyeball's closet, which was stolen from a clothing store. He was wearing dark denim jeans, with a black, tucked in shirt. A couple strands of Chris's dirty blonde hair fell out of the tall, thick pile of hair he had greased up on the top of his head. That hair made him look older. Meaner. Tougher. It made him blend in with the rest of the Cobras.

"Son of a bitch. Get the fuck off me." Gordie hissed and pushed Chris's chest. He didn't budge one bit.

"You have a really big mouth for such a small person." Chris said. He was trying to stay cool, but Gordie could tell he was pissing him off.

"Yeah? And you have a really small brain for such a big head." Gordie shot back.

Gordie wasn't half as scared of Chris as he was of the rest of the Cobras, mostly because Chris was the same age as him.
Chris stared at Gordie, half admiring how sassy he was and the other half in shock. No one had ever really talked back to him or the rest of his gang.

"Dead kid's brother."

"Retard who gets beat up by his own Dad!" Gordie screamed and pushed Chris's arm away from him. He struggled his way out of Chris's hold and stomped away.

"Nobody talks about my old man except me and Chris!" Eyeball snarled and was about to run after Gordie.

"Hold on, Eyeball." Chris said and placed his hand on Eyeball's chest. He stared down Gordie like a hawk, watching him storm off. Chris tilted his head a bit as Gordie's figure soon became smaller and smaller as he walked farther away.

"What?! You're just gonna let him walk away?!" Eyeball screeched in shock.

Chris's hand dropped down from Eyeball's chest as he turned to him.

"Don't sweat it, man. I'll see Lachance tomorrow at school. He won't know what hit him." Chris smirked and ran his hand through his long hair.

Thanks for reading! Ilysm! 💞

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