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Despite Gordie's wish to keep it a one time thing, the boys started to become a lot more physical. Neither of them saw it as a bad thing, in fact they both quite enjoyed it.
Whenever Gordie finished all his homework or whenever Chris decided that he was staying in that evening, the boys would choose one or the other's bed and spend the rest of the night there, doing God knows what.
That was the easy way of staying connected to each other.
The boys have had this strange habit ever since they were teenagers. Neither of them could say the phrase 'I love you' to each other, despite dating for a long time. They had always shown affection through actions. That route was safe.

Although now one of them had broken out of the habit. Chris had recently told Gordie that he loved him, multiple times actually, and the only reaction Gordie could ever produce was angry.
It was hard for Gordie to regain his trust with Chris, although he wanted to so badly. Chris wanted it just as bad and he mad that very clear. Everyday. As much as he could.

It was the first Thursday of December. It was also around the evening time, which was when Chris arrived back from his classes.
Although he would never admit it, that was Gordie's favorite time of the day. Ever since he warmed up to Chris, he had unknowingly begun a daily routine of counting down the minutes until the blonde boy came home.

Right now Gordie was in the kitchen, cutting himself some apple slices. He couldn't help but switch off between staring at the clock above the oven and the door. He could feel a twinge of excitement tickle his stomach as the time got closer and closer to when Chris usually burst through the door.

Gordie had gotten used to Chris over the past couple months, and had even admitted to enjoying his company one time. He had never really labeled their relationship or what type of company Chris would provide him with. He didn't want to make things overly complicated, while Chris would go above and beyond when displaying his obviousness in where he wanted their relationship to go.
Gordie just chose to ignore all the signs, along with his feelings. Emotions made everything way to intricate which he hated and wanted to avoid.
He was definitely aware that Chris was trying to wedge his way back into his heart. He just chose to keep things simple and oppress everything Chris tried to draw out of him.
There were some times when Gordie didn't realize his emotions had gained control over his brain. Those times we're getting more frequent the more time he would spend with Chris and both boys knew.

Gordie's eyes were on the door when the knob turned. He smiled to himself and flipped back around, busying himself to make it look like he wasn't waiting for Chris.

"Ah, you're in the kitchen. I thought for sure you'd be at your desk today," There was a plopping noise indicating that Chris had dropped his book bag down.
"You couldn't shut up yesterday about how much studying you have to do." Gordie heard Chris say from behind him.

"I actually am gonna be at my desk the entire day," Gordie replied happily. He kept his back facing Chris.
"Just making a snack."

"All day, huh? You sure?" He mumbled softly as he crept up behind the brunette.

"What am I gonna do all day if you're busy?" Chris teased and wrapped his arms around Gordie's waist. He squeezed onto the boy protectively and rested his chin on his shoulder.

"Plus I don't wanna wake you up in the middle of the night because you have a test tomorrow, so I can't go out drinking." He mumbled next to his ear and pressed his temple against Gordie's.

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