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But summer couldn't last forever.
Autumn rolled around which meant a new school year. Ever since Gordie had gotten close to Chris, he had always been quite nosey with his grades. Since Chris used to spend most of his time hanging out with his brother and the Cobras up until now, his grades were awful. He was barely passing any of his classes, which Gordie didn't like one bit, and he had no shame in bringing it up to Chris.
First their arguments were small and only about Chris's grades. In fact, they couldn't even be considered arguments. The boys would just bicker back and forth. There was never any yelling or crying, at least in the beginning.
As the school year progressed though, Gordie would get on Chris's case about his grades more frequently.

"What grade did you get on Mrs. York's test?" Gordie asked as he walked outside of his high school with Chris by his side. The school day had just ended and the two boys were making their way back to Gordie's house.
Chris just shrugged and crunched the dry autumn leaves under his shoes.

"She hasn't finished grading them yet. I haven't gotten mine back." He mumbled, keeping his eyes down at the sidewalk.

"Uh yeah she has. I've gotten mine back and so has everyone else. Why're you lying?" Gordie frowned and nudged Chris's arm with his own.

"God, Gordie! When's the last time we had a conversation that wasn't about school?" Chris snapped as he feet stopped moving. "You can walk yourself home." He added grumpily as he stormed away, leaving the brunette stunned.

Those types of mini fights would happen every now and then, but they would never let it get the best of them. One boy would always end up at the other's house eventually.
As the beginning of December arrived though, Chris's patience with Gordie's constant nagging ran short. He had never really had someone who was so invested and concerned with his life like Gordie was, and he did not like it at all.

Since Chris's entire family was out, (both of his parents at a bar, his brother with Ace and his little siblings spending the night at a friends house,) he took that opportunity to invite Gordie over when they wouldn't get caught.

Chris collapsed on top of Gordie, panting heavily. His flushed face was buried in the boy's neck. Gordie, who was laying beneath him, was also out of breath. He had his arms wrapped tightly around Chris's neck, holding onto him for dear life. His forehead was lightly pressed up against Chris's as well.
The boys stayed like this for a while, until Chris had finally built up enough energy to sit up, or at least to attempt to sit up. Gordie's grip around him was still tight and intense. He didn't want to let go.
Realizing Chris's intention to get out of his hold, Gordie pouted.

"Chris.." He whined and tried to pull him closer.

"Stop it, Gordie." Chris mumbled and yanked his arms off of him. He then picked his underwear and pants up and put them on, leaving his shirt off. He tossed Gordie his clothes and sat back down on the couch. He turned the TV on with a yawn.
Gordie pulled on his own underwear before sighing and staring at the commercial on TV. He glanced over at Chris who was sitting on the other side of the couch. The space between them was unbearably far, but it didn't seem to bother Chris. The brunette brought his eyes back to the TV screen and cleared his throat.

"So um.. our first school semester is ending soon. That means permanent and really important grades being put in and stuff." Gordie mumbled and pulled his pants on.

"Mhm." Chris grunted as he flicked through channels.

"And we're gonna have a lot of tests and finals pretty soon." Gordie continued and wiggled his oversized sweater on.

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