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"So, Chris," Gordie said and unlocked his front door, opening it and going inside. "Wanna explain why you were crying?" He flipped around and faced Chris.

"Didn't I say it was none of your fucking business?" Chris snarked and cocked his head out to the side. The second he stepped into Gordie's house his jaw dropped at the size of it. The elegant, tall stair case made him feel like he was in a castle.

"I'm just curious," Gordie shrugged. He grabbed Chris's hand tightly. "Come on, dork. You can stare at the stairs later." Gordie giggled and pulled Chris up the stairs. "We can't do this in my room." Gordie said and dragged Chris to his bathroom. He ignored everything Gordie was saying and stared at the walls. There was probably a million pictures of Denny hanging up and down the halls. The only picture of Gordie was one where Denny was holding him as a baby.
Chris was so busy examining the pictures that he didn't realize Gordie stopped walking. He blindly bumped into him.
"Sorry..." He mumbled and rubbed the back of his neck.
"It's fine," Gordie said and turned to Chris. He nodded to himself. "I know exactly what I'm gonna do." Gordie smiled brightly and pulled Chris into the bathroom.

"You better not make me bald, Lachance." Chris growled.

"I won't. Don't worry." Gordie said and rummaged through the cabinets. "Here it is." He said and held up a electric razor.

"Um Gordie I don't think this is a good idea.." Chris gulped nervously. He let out a shaky sigh and stared at his reflection in the blade.

"Too late to back out of it," Gordie said and plugged the razor in. "Don't worry. I've done this before. I gave Denny a haircut one time," He said and turned the razor on. Chris nearly passed out by the buzzing sound. "My parents were so pissed." He giggled. Gordie stopped talking and stood on the tips of his toes. "Hm." He mumbled and lowered himself back down. "Hey, Chris, I'm gonna need you to sit down. I can't reach your head."

Chris sighed and stared at himself in the mirror. This would be the last time he saw himself with long, greasy hair. He slowly sat down on the floor and squeezed his eyes shut.

"Don't move." Gordie said and sat down behind him, placing his hand on the back of Chris's head.

"Promise you won't kill me?"

Gordie rolled his eyes. "I won't kill you," He said. "Unless you don't hold still."

Gordie began buzzing away. Clumps of Chris's hair fell to the floor and on top of his shoes.
"Oh my God." Chris groaned and looked down at all his hair on the floor.

"Can you turn a little bit to the right for me?" Gordie asked and put his hand on Chris's shoulder. He reluctantly shifted his body to the left.

"Uh, retard, I said right." Gordie said and grabbed both of Chris's shoulders and moved him right.

"Shut it, fag." Chris grumbled and crossed his arms.

"Hey remember I'm the one with the razor against your head." Gordie said and continued to buzz Chris's hair off. Gordie giggled to himself a couple times, making Chris scared for his life. After a few minutes of Chris giving glaring up at Gordie and Gordie smiling sweetly down at him, he stood up and turned the razor off. He looked down at all the hair on the floor and laughed.

"We could make a wig out of all the hair I-" Gordie began to say, but was interrupted by his own gasp.
"Shit!" He cursed as his foot got stuck in the razor's cord. The brunette fell forward on top of Chris, who didn't seem surprised at how clumsy he was. As for Gordie, who was laying on top of Chris, staring blankly at him. He could feel his face heating up, as he stayed on top of Chris for longer than he should have.

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