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"You really took a wrong turn, Lachance? This is your house we're going too," Chris chuckled as his head hung low with a playful shake. "I think I know where it is better than you. And I've only been there once." He continued to tease the shorter boy lightheartedly until they got to his front doorstep.
The truth is, Gordie did in fact mess up the directions back to his house. Not the fact that it was pitch black and the streetlights were broken (which didn't help at all), but the fact that Chris, a cobra, the boy that had tormented him for so long, was now spending the night. It didn't make much sense to Gordie, how one second Chris could be mocking Denny's death, then the next he was asking to sleep over.

"Shut your mouth. It's just dark, okay? I mixed up the signs." Gordie continued to make up excuses as he fumbled with the keys in his hands.
Chris gave him a fake nod as if he was accepting the poorly made excuse by the brunette in front of him. Once Gordie got the door unlocked and he stepped inside, his first instinct was to take a quick glance over he shoulder at Chris. He smiled to himself when he saw Chris glancing around the familiar setting, recognizing some of the furniture and depressing colors painted on the walls.

"Come on, Chambers. You have all night to stare at my wall." Gordie teased and nudged his arm. He strolled up the stairs, happily knowing Chris was right behind him. He gently pushed his bedroom door open with his foot, and plopped down on his bed.

"What's that for?" Chris asked and pointed to a notebook neatly placed in the center of Gordie's desk. "For school?" He turned back over to Gordie and stood next to his bed. Chris crossed his arms out of pure comfort when he noticed Gordie wasn't planning on scooting over for him.

"Then what is it?"
"It's a notebook." Gordie replied. The proud little smile placed across his face was quickly wiped off when Chris's arm reached out and snatched it off of his desk.

"Chris, I really would prefer if you-"
"Lemme guess. You prolly stole your brothers playboys, tore out your favorite pages and hid them in here for later?" He snickered at Gordie's disgusted expression.
"My brother had girlfriends he didn't need playboys," He giggled a little and paused.
"Now gimme that back!" Gordie scowled and hopped off his bed, standing next to Chris. The taller of the two held the notebook high in the air, giving Gordie the classic bully vs nerd scenario.

"Give it." He held his hand out, not bothering to make a fool of himself and try to reach it.

"Come on just lemme see what's in it." Chris chuckled quietly and turned his back to Gordie, flipped through the pages. To his surprise, each one was filled up entirely with words. Some words Chris didn't know the meaning of.

"Give it to me! I don't want you reading all that!" Gordie huffed loudly from behind him.

"I can't even read half this," Chris shoved it back to Gordie and sat down on his bed, which strangely caught Gordie's attention. "Why do you write so much? And it's not even for school? What the hell is the point?"
Gordie's chocolate brown eyes closed for a couple of seconds, before he turned around and shoved the notebook into a drawer.
"I don't know." He stated blankly.

"Is that all you do?" Chris asked as Gordie sat down, leaving a gap in between them.

"Sometimes." He held his own hand in his lap.
"Sometimes? When you're not bothering me you mean?" Chris chuckled at his own pathetic insult.
"I bother you?" Gordie frowned a little at that and stared at the drawer he had aggressively thrown his notebook in.

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