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Eyeball was alright when Chris got home. They were both just a little shaken up. Chris decided to go to sleep early that night, even though he didn't feel the slightest bit tired. He spent a couple hours just laying in his bed thinking about how mean he was to Gordie and how he probably should have kept his mouth shut when Ace and Eyeball were trash talking about Denny.

What if Eyeball died..? Chris thought. He began sweating and quickly threw the blanket off of his legs, to the floor. Chris squeezed his eyes shut and tried to push that horrific thought out of his head, but it kept getting worse. Now Chris could see it happening. Ace and Eyeball would speeding down the empty road, racing each other. Like always they would try to cut each other off. Of course they would both be sickly drunk and crash. Eyeball, who could never not live on the edge, would usually never wears a seatbelt either. Chris gasped and ended his thought there. It was hard for him to go to sleep that night. The only thing that was really distracting his brain from picturing Eyeball being killed in some brutal way, was that sassy, deer-looking Lachance kid.

"Lachance, I don't know how you're so happy. It's not like those greasy assholes are written outta the paper. They're still getting credit for that crappy ole body!" Teddy whined. His fists were clenched and his nose was scrunched up, making his glasses shift around. It was about 7:50 in the morning and two boys were entering the school, half asleep. It was about the third week back to school and all the local newspapers were still raving over the group of teenage boys that happened to stumble over Ray Brower's corpse. Other known as the Cobras.

"You need to let go, Teddy," Gordie said and shook his head. "Complaining about it isn't gonna change anything."

"Whatever. I just-" Teddy began, but was abruptly interrupted by the bell ringing an obnoxious noise that scared the boys out of their skins.
"I hate it, Gordie! I hate it!" Teddy yelled as he ran down the hallway, too his locker.

"And you think I don't." Gordie mumbled to himself and dragged himself to class. He hated the Cobras with a burning passion. Every single one of them. They were all rude, annoying, sassy, mean, selfish, and they all had the same haircut. Just looking at their faces made Gordie's blood boil. He thought about each of the Cobras's faces. Each one with a sneaky smirk and a mischievous glimmer in their eyes. But there was one thing Gordie didn't understand. If he hated each of the Cobras faces so much, they why wasn't he immediately mean to Chris. Yesterday when he ran into Chris, who was crying, he acted like they were friends. What is it guilt that he felt? Something held him back from laughing about how upset Chris was. Something told him to stop whatever he was about to say that would hurt Chris's feelings. If he had any.
Then Gordie thought about Chris's face. How it didn't have that sneaky smirk and a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, at least when he wasn't with the Cobras. When he was alone with Gordie he seemed softer and happier. Instead of a sneaky smirk there was a genuine smile. And instead of a mischievous glimmer, there was a blissful sparkle in his eyes.

He's so cute. Gordie thought.
Wait did I just-

"Gordon? Gordon, for the last time why were you late?" His English teacher, Mr. Jones shouted.

"Hm?" Gordie said, still a little shaken from what he was thinking about.

"Hurry up and sit down so we can start discussing the project." He barked.
Gordie ran over to his seat and plopped down, throwing his stuff to the floor.

"I don't want you guys fooling around this whole class period, so I will be assigning your partners,"
Mr. Jones said, earning a handful of disappointed groans from the class.
"Interrupt me again and I'll have the whole class stay ten minutes after school."
The entire class shut their mouths and sat up a little straighter.
"Now I don't want to hear a single complaints from any one of you. It's the beginning of the year and this project will be your first grade. Don't mess it up." Mr. Jones explained. It seemed like every time he opened his mouth he would become more pissed off and defensive.
Right now Gordie was in his own little world, trying to figure out why he had such a soft spot for that stupid Chambers kid. Such a stupid thought, too. To really think Chris was attractive when he wasn't being a dick with the rest of his gang, but God could he be such a cute boy if he would stop hanging out with those shit heads. With his stupid clothes and his stupid hair. And that gorgeously stupid face. Gordie just wished he could change all of that.
What if Chris wasn't born a bad kid? What if he was one of those boy next door type guys. A sweetheart who couldn't hurt a fly.

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