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"Your roommate has already arrived, so the door is probably open. That doesn't mean you can lose your room key, alright sir? We don't have any extras, so be careful." The older woman said sternly.

"Okay. Thanks." Gordie nodded and began walking up the off-white stairs and to his college dorm room.
He didn't know much about his future roommate. All he knew was that it was going to be a random guy, because this school didn't allow a boy to room with a girl, for obvious reasons.
Gordie wanted to live by himself, but that would cost more money and he could barely afford to eat most nights. His parents didn't help him pay for anything either, which was the main reason he decided to just suck it up and share a dorm with a random person.

Gordie chewed on the inside of his cheek nervously as he approached the door to his future dorm. The college he was attending was built in 1961, when Gordie was only fourteen, so it was still in good condition. Most of the other available colleges were decades old and nearly falling apart.

"Is it open?" He whispered to himself as he turned the door knob and slowly opened the door.

"It is." Gordie huffed anxiously. That meant someone was already here. He glanced around the room, noting how cramped it was. There was  a kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom, which him and his roommate would share.

The kitchen had ugly wooden cabinets and drawers. There was a tiny stove and an oven on the left side of the kitchen, while the right side was just storage. There was only enough room for one person to actually stand and cook in the kitchen too.
Although the kitchen was quite...charming, he still hadn't seen any sign of his roommate.

"Hello?" Gordie called out as he dropped his luggage down. He glanced around the room and frowned when he didn't see another person or any of their stuff.

"Hm.. maybe I am the first one here." He mumbled as he walked into the bedroom.

"Jeez this is even smaller.." Gordie huffed and rolled his eyes. Hopefully this new roommate of his wasn't an annoying asshole.

"I wonder if the bathroom is this tiny.." The brunette mumbled to himself and walked over to the dorm's only bathroom. Gordie reached down to the handle and opened the door with a yawn. To his surprise there was someone inside the bathroom, but that someone wasn't wearing any clothes. Gordie only caught a glimpse of who was inside, although it was just their lower half and not their face. He quickly covered his eyes and slammed the door with an 'Oh my God!'

"I um... oh shit. I didn't mean to do that on purpose! I'm so sorry." Gordie rambled at the door and quickly went back into the hallway between the bedroom and bathroom.

"Jesus.. what a great way to introduce myself." He scowled and shook his head to himself. He didn't even get a response from the man who was probably just as embarrassed as Gordie was.

It was a long time before the guy inside the bathroom came out. (Fully clothed of course.) Gordie was sitting down in the hallway with his head tilted back against the wall. When he heard the floorboards creaking, indicating there was another person there, he stood up and began to speak.

"Listen, I didn't mean to do that. I didn't even know you were here and I promise I didn't see anything. I'm so sorry-" Gordie stopped and raised an eyebrow at the man.

"Um.. sorry if this is weird, but can you step a little closer. Near the light." The brunette requested softly.
The man didn't say anything, he just stepped one step closer. He was so tall that he nearly hit his head on the light in the ceiling.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." Gordie said bluntly.

"Hey, Gordie." Chris sighed and rubbed his forehead.

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