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Chris sat on the edge of Gordie's bed, staring around his room. A lot of Gordie's old belongings from when he was a child were still filling up his shelves and drawers. Gordie didn't mind though, in fact he barely even noticed it anymore, but when he did it wasn't a negative thing. Having all his childish room decor brought back memories of when he was little. Memories of when he was too young and dumb to realize how much his parents hated him. Memories of him and his older brother Dennis spending time together in Gordie's room. The brothers did have a couple similar interests, but due to the large age gap between them they hardly hung out together. While Gordie was learning his ABC's his older brother was learning the birds and the bees. It was just hard for the two to hang out, but there was one thing that both boys enjoyed doing.
Possibly once a week, maybe twice, Denny would sit down with his younger brother and tell him stories of his high school drama.

Gordie was always extremely intrigued with whatever story his brother had to tell, because back then as a child, high school seemed like the prime of everyone's life. Especially Denny's, that was for sure. Denny seemed more like a celebrity than a brother, with the way everyone talked about him.

Denny Lachance is the football captain for the third year in a row.

Denny Lachance has been seeing a new girl.

Even, Denny Lachance got a haircut.

Gordie always hated that sort of talk back then, but nowadays he craved it. The only thing said about Dennis Lachance anymore was that his talent was wasted and he was too young and that it was such a tragedy and blah blah blah. It was all sad and depressing. A constant reminder that he would never come back.

But, the old kiddish objects in Gordie's room gave him better memories that he cherished forever. He was thankful his parents never bothered to revamp his room back when he transitioned into a teenager, disregarding how embarrassing it was.

Chris stared over at the single window in Gordie's room. It was covered by light red curtains, all except for the middle of the window, which had a small gap in between each separate curtain, letting a small ray of sunshine peak through the glass. Clipped to a string that draped across the top of Gordie's curtains was a couple old black and white pictures.
Chris stood up very cautiously, making sure the sound of the bed creaking was as quiet as possible. He let out a sigh as he stepped closer to the curtain and squinted at the picture in the middle.

Gordie, a very tiny and very young Gordie, was sitting on his older brother Denny's shoulders. Denny was in his football uniform, his face helmetless and out of breath. Although there was a large grass stain on the number on Denny's uniform, Chris could still make out the number nineteen. Streaks of eye black were dripping down both of his cheeks after sweating most of it off. A giant smile was plastered on Denny's face, you could tell that he had definitely just won the game. Gordie had a matching smile with his brother, his hands up in the air and his nose scrunched up in a laugh.

Chris frowned. Gordie must have been what? Five or six? He had no idea what was going to hit him in the future.
In that moment they both looked so happy.
So clueless.

Chris turned back around to the bed, not being able to bare the depressing sight any longer.
The blonde flinched when he saw Gordie sitting up in his bed. He had been fast asleep just moments ago.

"Jesus, Lachance. You scared me."

Gordie wasn't looking anywhere towards Chris, in fact he was completely zoned out on something else. The floor maybe. Who knows.
He was still naked as well, without the chance to actually get any clothes on because he was asleep. Luckily for him but unluckily for Chris, he had the sheets loosely swathing his body. Chris's leather jacket that Gordie had previously been cuddling with was now laying on the floor.

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