Mr. Kidnapper

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"Han can you pack the potato chips?" Rebecca asked.

"Yeah sure" Han started working Monday and it's Wednesday, he basically lives in the store he works morning and night and Sundays he would go karate lessons.

In Karate lesson you have to pay for each hour. Every Sunday Han train for 5 hours and when he comes home he practice more, well at least that's what he hopes to do on Sunday. He's not sure if his body will let him train for 5 hours.

"Hannie I think you should take a break, you work until 12 last night, maybe you shouldn't take the night shift" Felix said, worried his friend's mental and physical health "It's ok Felix, I feel fine and I'm also earning way more money"

"Hannie-" Felix was cut off by the bell at the door "Hi welcome".

"Hannie it's that guy again!" Felix whispered yell but realized that he was a ghost and no one could hear him "oh right, Han look it's the guy from before!"

"Felix why are you yelling" Han said as he turned around but met with a pair of eyes, that was filled with sadness

"Oh it's you again, Minho"

"That's it you're coming with me" Minho pick up Han and threw him on his shoulders... again "Yah! What the hell!" Han shouted and started fighting up "Rebecca call the police!"

Rebecca pick up the phone and started dialing the police number but Minho stopped her "Rebecca is it?" Minho asked while he hand was on top of the phone, he was smiling and it made Rebecca flustered "y-yeah".

"Sorry please don't call the police, he's my boyfriend and he's just giving me some trouble" Minho said but Han just denying it "boyfriend my ass!"

"I...i don't know what to do?"

"Rebecca CALL. THE. POLICE" Han shouted, reminder Han is still on Minho's shoulder "Rebecca I'll bring him back in a minute ok" Minho said and just left.

"Hey Mr kidnapper!"

"Oh shut up squirrel"

"Can you put me down, people are staring" Han stopped fighting and just hid his face while Felix walked behind them laughing.

"Good you stop fighting, I'll put you down but no running away from me, got it?"

"Yeah whatever" Minho then put him down "so can I ask WHY THE HELL YOU DRAG ME ALL THE WAY HERE!"

"I wanted to talk to you about something"

"Oh well you could of said 'hey stranger can I talk to you outside, please' was that so hard to say"

"Fine sorry but I do need to talk to you" Han looked away "fine, what is it?"

"When I talked to you Monday you said 'shut up Felix' but there was no one around us"

"Yeah I just said that by mistake"

"But when I came into the store just now you turn around and said felix name again?"

"Oh well I was talking to one of my coworkers name Felix but I guess he... disappear when you came" Han was worried, if this guy fines out he's talking to his dead friend he might have to go back to the mental hospital.

"Felix your coworker? Or Lee Yong-bok your best friend that died last week Saturday".

"Hannie what are we going to do, if he finds out he might think you're crazy" Felix said "so what" Han said out of nowhere "so what if I'm talking to my best friend huh. Ok fine I'm crazy go ahead and say it if you want".

"I didn't come here to call you crazy, I came because I wanted to know who attacked you that night?" Han was honestly surprised that he even asked that "I can't tell you".


"I just can't tell you" Han was about to walk away when Minho grab his hand

"I heard you never told the police much, without a description the police might never be able to find your friend's murderer, you know that right"

"Yeah I know but Felix and I just want to move on with our lives so can you please stop talking about this" Han clearly lied but Minho believed him, as an assassin you should be able to tell if your target is lying but Minho feels like Han is telling the truth.

"I can't tell if he's lying but I mean he's a weak squirrel there's no way he's trying to get revenge on the guy, right?" Minho thought.

"Are we done, I'm going back to work" Han then walked away "Hannie you lied to him" Felix said "Yeah I know"

"But you promise you won't lie again"

"I know that I broke that promise but your mom was the one who I made the promise for but she betrayed me so I don't mind breaking it" Han's blood started boiling.

Han Jisung, an orphan, he grew up in an orphanage but when he was 12 the people threw him out for lying. When he use to lie a whole village use to believe him, that's how good he was at lying. He use to scam his neighbors out of money but one day the villagers found out the truth and they ran him out from the neighborhood.

Han was just 12 so he was lost, all he did was walk, he walk and walk until he found a place and it was really big, way bigger than his village. He was desperate for food so he lied and lied and just kept getting better at it, unit he met Felix, Felix mom took him in when he was 12 and he promised not to lie again.

But did he really stop....

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