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*Minho's pov*

Minho woke up the next day to see a maid packing clothes in his wardrobe "ah shit my neck hurts" Minho said getting up while massaging his neck "good morning master Lee know" she said and bowed "what happened to me last night?" He asked.

"I'm not sure sir, master Hyunjin came home with you last night and you where unconscious"

"Hyunjin?..." Minho suddenly remember what happened "HYUNJIN!!"

"Hyunjin I think he's awake" Mrs. Lee said while sipping on her tea "really? you think so" Hyunjin said sarcastically "let's just see what he does" Hyunjin said also sipping his tea "HYUNJIN!!!" Minho yelled while entering the room.

"Oh Lee you're finally awake" Hyunjin said putting down his tea cup "you knock me out!?"

"Yes, I think I recall doing that"

"Uh well...I.." Minho just gave up on talking "what the fuck- did you get a stroke mid sentence" Hyunjin said laughing Mrs. Lee couldn't hide her laugher either.

"Not funny I just woke up my mind is everywhere also I was this close to Han, I could of killed Zane and get my revenge and you would of have a cousin-in-law today" Mrs. Lee scoffed "Lee know there's no way I'm allowing you to get married at such a young age".


"WELL I DIDN'T ACTUALLY THOUGH YOU WOULD LIKE SOMEONE" Mrs. Lee shouted back Hyunjin gasp and place his hand on his chest "Mrs. Lee don't say that to your only son".

"Thank you Hyunjin" Minho said "huh what? No I'm on Mrs. Lee side if I was her I wouldn't say it in front your face"

"So you're saying you talk behind my back?" He said raising an eyebrow "uhh no...let's change the topic!" He yelled "yes let's change it, I've been meaning to talk to you about what happen at the strip club" Mrs. Lee said.

"You know what let's go back to the other top-" Minho said trying to avoid that topic but Mrs. Lee pull her son's ear "you ain't going anywhere until you tell me everything" she pulled him to sit on a chair. Minho drop his body on the chair and rub his ear "now tell me what happened".

"Well we saw Han....that's it-" he was about to run off but his mother caught him pulling on his ear again "Ouch! ouch!"

"So you saw him, I guess you have to give up now"

"Yeah yeah, I'll give up" Minho said rolling his eyes "ha! No you won't" Hyunjin said folding his arms.

"Yes I will"

"No you won't"

"YES I will"

"NO you won't"

Minho lead back and fold his arms "what? You think I won't give up? You think I would look for Han behind your back? Pff~"

"Yes. That's exactly what we think" Mrs. Lee said and Hyunjin agreed "Lee you have to give up now, I mean you heard those people cheering Han's name" Hyunjin said "so what if they know his name!"

"Agh! It probably means he was a stripers in the past"

"Whatever, they probably just happened to know his name"

"Ok then explain why he came by you but didn't ask for your help and just left with Zane" Hyunjin said folding his arms "because I know Han wants to kill Zane, he maybe just wanted to get close to him and then kill him".

"Well he could of whispered something in your ear saying something like 'don't worry I'm just using him' that would have been better"

"Ok fine I admit that he should have said something but he doesn't want me involved. He always said he wanted to kill Zane by himself so he didn't want to tell me anything" Minho said looking away "you guys could think whatever you want but I know if he does try to kill Zane by himself he will die and I can't let that happen so I'll look for him by myself" he was going to walk off but then he heard his mom and Hyunjin laughing.

"No offense dear but you're terrible at tracking people" Mrs. Lee said wiping a tear away from her eye "damn you know it hurts when your own mother say that to you but it also hurts when The. Person. Who. Though. You. To. Track. Is. Telling. You . You're . Bad . At . It" Minho said.

"I-i did not teach you that" she said to defend herself but she knows she did "Lee, if you're looking for Zane then you'll need the two best trackers on the planet to help you" Hyunjin said confidently "oh really, where do I find them?"

"It's us you idiot!" He yelled "ohhh... are you sure?" Minho said tilting his head "pff~ I'm not helping you again" Hyunjin said folding his arms and looking away "what you were going to help me?" Minho continued with the sarcastic tone.

"Yes but not anymore"

"Ok ok you both are the best trackers EVER, you're talented, amazing blah blah blah so you're going to help, great" Minho smiled "HA! I don't know, you really don't sound appreciative enough" Hyunjin said but earn a slap from the back of his head.

"Yes dear, we're still going to help you" she said and Minho drop his body on the couch "thank god, I really didn't have no idea what I was doing" Mrs. Lee and Hyunjin were smiling while watching Minho on the couch they were happy to get the old Minho back "ok this is what we found" Hyunjin said lending closer to him "last night Mrs. Lee and I went back to the party and waited for it to finish, as it was about to finish Mrs. Lee and I went to the bathroom and waited until we heard the new manger voice and we did so we came out and held a gun at his head, we ask him questions about the old manger but he said he never met him. He said he was just told to say whatever is written on a paper".

"Was he telling the truth?" Minho ask "I think he was, we shot some of his body guards but he really said he doesn't know anything".

"So that was a dead end?"

"No, he said he have instructions to send half of what he makes to a man and he keeps half. They have a secret bank account where they make the exchange. Right now Mrs. Lee and I are trying to hack into it but it's really hard but once we do find the person location you would have to go in and torture/question him".

"Wait what if the person is Zane?"

"As an assassin that makes a lot of money, I know we don't let the people who works for us access to our personal accounts. We make another account where we put someone we trust to protect it. That person send the money to us, it's safer this way" Mrs. Lee said "oh wow I didn't even know that" Minho said and Hyunjin agreed.

"When we find their account that person would have access to Zane personal account and we could track him from their but we need to find this person" Hyunjin said.

"We would probably have to kill this person because Zane would put someone he trust to look after his account so he won't tell us anything I'm sure of that" Mrs. Lee said.

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