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*Next morning*

Trumpet noise started playing "Good morning sleepy head!" Minho shouted right after, Han jumped up still sleepy "SINCE WHEN DID YOU HAD A TRUMPET" he exclaimed "I was bored so I went and bought one yesterday🎺😀" he said making that weird face "Yesterday!?"

*Flashback from yesterday*

"Yayy we're finished" Minho threw his hands up as he made his way out from the forest "Han where are you?" He said looking back "I'M....HERE" Han shouted as he tried to stand up "you took a break a few minutes ago!" Minho yelled back "but...I'm still tir..ed and my b-body hurts" Han complained "I'm not going to over work you so go inside and get some rest".


"No." After we went back inside Minho made him a energy smoothie "ok so first you put some spinach, kale, cucumber, pineapple, 1 egg and two scoops of a plant based protein powder and then bend it up" Han was cringing the whole time, like why the egg and cucumber tho "I'm not drinking that".

"Come on you have too, the spinach is good for your sore muscles, now hurry drink all" Han was still having second thoughts "fine but you have to drink it with me" he said grabbing a cup fill of it.

"Okayy, 3....2, 1" Minho drank all with one go but Han wanted to throw up "you better swallow that! Those ingredients cost money!" Han took all his strength and swallowed it "Fuck that smoothie" Han said and then ran away.

"Ya! Get back here now!" Minho said as he ran after Han. He pinned him down on the floor "where are you going squirrel?" Minho said while he was on top of the younger.

"As far away from you and that smoothie as possible!"

(Not a part of Han's flashback)
"Hannie good mor-" Felix entered the room to see whatever t h a t was "yeah I'll go back upstairs" Han didn't notice Felix running back up the stairs. Felix was with Minho and Han the whole day yesterday but Han had to go up the mountain over and over so Felix decided to spend the day with Minho but Minho can't see him so Felix just went upstairs and slept the whole day.

*End of flashbacks*

Han got up from the bed and got ready, he went outside and stretch while he waits for Minho "good you got up" Minho said surprised "yeah...*yawn* let's go already".

"Actually I won't be running with you anymore" Han stared at him "why? What if I get lost or can't find my way back?" Minho threw something at Han "you're wearing this from now on

It tells me your location, how far you ran and it also tells me when you take a break and how long it was, oh and it have a map so if you do get lost you just follow the directions" Han stare at it in amusement "wow, it probably cost a lot"

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It tells me your location, how far you ran and it also tells me when you take a break and how long it was, oh and it have a map so if you do get lost you just follow the directions" Han stare at it in amusement "wow, it probably cost a lot".

"Yes so don't lose it" Minho was just joking, he literally use pocket change to buy it, he could buy 10 more if he likes but his parents more specifically his father would notice that his allowance was finishing more faster than usual so he's trying to limit his spending "Ok if you're finish stretching you can go now".

"Yeah ok" Han ran the same pace just like yesterday but he notice he took more breaks than before. After he finish he went inside and saw Minho making that terrible smoothie again "how was your run?" Minho asked.

"You probably know already but yeah I took more breaks than before that just piss me off because I wanted to go today with taking less breaks" Han sat down.

"You probably know already but yeah I took more breaks than before that just piss me off because I wanted to go today with taking less breaks" Han sat down

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(Just in case you can't remember what the kitchen looks like, also the kitchen door leads to the back of the house where Han would be running)

"Your body is just not accustom to all the running and how your body was hurting yesterday it probably just made your body a little slower today" Minho said while he slowly sip the smoothie.

"Ok you make sense but that smoothie doesn't" Han said making a nasty face at the smoothie "ok so all you're saying is I need to get my body accustom to all the running".

"Yes and also get your mouth accustom to this smoothie" Minho push the smoothie closer to Han. He looked at it and then looked back a Minho "ok fine.." Han was able to drink at least a mouth full.

"Ok that's good enough but for now, take a break and then we're going to start doing your exercise" Han looked away "I think I'm going to skip the exercise today" he said trying to walk away "you do that and I'll kill you" Minho threaten.

"Okay" the younger said turning to Minho smiling innocently. Han realize that when he was running it was kinda boring without Minho, he missed him being there.

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