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After that day Minho kept coming into the store to 'buy' something "sup Rebecca" "Sup Minho.." she said in a flat tone she's kinda jealous that this really cute guy is only coming in the store for Han "what's so great about him?" She whispered.

"Sup squirrel, what are you doing Sunday?" Minho asked which was tomorrow "I have plans" Han said as he packed some drinks in the fridge.

"Plans...." Minho whined "with who?"

"It's non of your business"

"Aww come on squirrel.... help me out here.."

"I told you I'm not looking for a boyfriend and I already said I'm busy!"

"But-" Minho was cut off by his phone ringing "yeah hello?"

"Ah Lee know you finally answered" Minho father said.

"Yeah what's up"

"Did you finish your mission?"

"Shit" Minho thought, he couldn't take getting beaten by his father anymore so he lied that he was going back to doing his mission.

Minho then walked outside the store so one no could hear him "yeah I'm trying to find his location".

"Oh ok well I could help you with that, remember you're trying to kill an assassin so getting his location would be hard" Mr. Lee said.

"Yeah he's an assassin but not a smart one, coming after a family of assassins doesn't sound so smart"

"Hahaha that's my son, you better kill this fool quick I have some more missions for you"

"Yeah sure" Minho hung up the call now he would have to find his guy "Agh whatever, I'll just kill him fast and I'll have more time with my cute squirrel" Minho said smiling thinking about how fast he could finish his mission.

He went back in the store and told Han that he hadn't to leave but obviously he didn't care.

*Han pov*

It was around 11pm when Minho left, it's almost time for Han to go home and normally Minho would walk him to the nearest bus station but after he left he hasn't came back "I wonder where he went?" Han said under his breath.

"Are you thinking about that Minho guy?" Feliz smirked "Ahh Felix, where the hell you went?!"

"Oh did I scare you? It was boring so I went to this little cafe just somewhere around the corner".

"Oh I found that cafe before you died I wanted to take you there but yeah you know, so how was it?"

"It was really pretty it had a beautiful flower garden and the food and drinks looked great!"

"Aww I'm happy you like it"

"Felix just described a place he never went, that's more proof that he's real" Han thought "hey it's 12:05, you suppose to close the store now" Felix said caught Han off guard.

"Oh shit, I guess I zoned out for a few minutes" Han started packing and closing up the store.

This is the first time in a little while that Han had to walk out without Minho by his side, it made him kinda sad and it also made him miss the older a little bit.

Felix would run ahead from Han and check out if there's anyone up the same hill Felix died but it normally doesn't have anyone but it made Han feel safer.

He got on the bus and headed to his really run down apartment, it was so bad but it's all he could afford but on his way there he saw a familiar someone "stop the bus!" He yelled and ran out while Felix went after him "Han what happen?" Felix said standing next to Han.

"I-i think I s-saw Zane" Felix body froze his eyes went black, something about seeing the guy that killed you is a ghost worst nightmare "I-i'm going in" Han said.

"No! Let's go home!" Felix body was just shaking none stop "no I need to go in".

"Why would you do that!? You haven't been in any karate lessons as yet so you don't know how to defend yourself, he might kill you!!" Felix yelled.

"I know but he's an assassin even if I learn a way to defend myself finding him would be the wayyy harder part" Han was terrified but his hate for this guy is tearing him apart.

"Han don't do it! Also he went into a stripping club you never went anywhere like this" Felix said trying his best to stop him "I need to go" Han walked in not listening to Felix yelling behind him.

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