Chapter 47: Relief

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Emily's Pov

I watch Abby walk away after I told her. She must be really mad. I sit down as I try to control myself, but I can't all this stuff is running through my head. What if Abby tells Alison.... Alison would never forgive me.

I quickly get up and run outside to where Abby went. I saw her pacing back and forth and I sigh. I walk over to her and when she turns to go the other way she sees me and she looks pissed.

"Please don't tell Alison," I plead.

"You are going to get my sister killed because you were angry at her. You are so selfish. She might be going to jail and has A up her ass everyday and you told the police because your feelings were hurt..... Suck it up Emily because you have to realize what you did can ruin Alison. So fuck you I'm telling Alison," Abby shouted and walked past me as she bumped my shoulder. I was a little scared at Abby's sudden outburst.

I quickly spinned around grabbed Abby's wrist just in time.

"I know your mad, but please don't tell Ali. She is the best thing that has happened to me," I say.

Abby looks at me and got out of my grip and walked back into the hospital. I walk to the wall of the hospital and lean up against it trying to control my breathes. She's going to tell Ali everything. Why did I have to say that even though I feel so guilty! I am such a dumb ass. I put my hands in my face as tears start to fall from my eyes. I feel them burning my skin every droplet that falls.

Alison's Pov

"Hello." I say as I walk up to a nurse but she just ignores me and walks past me.

I try talking to people but they don't listen they just ignore me.

"Hello I just got shot people," I yell, but no one turns to me they kept doing what their doing. I all of a sudden hear a slam and I turn around and see Abby walking to the front desk and I sigh.


I rush over to Abby when she gets to the desk.

"Abby no one is talking to me," I say, but she just ignores me.

"Not you too!"

"How is Alison Lauren DiLaurentis is doing," Abby blurts out.

The nurse cheeks on the computer and seconds later she comes up with an answer. "She is still in surgery."

I back up from the desk and my body starts going through people. My heart beat begins to beat faster and my mind starts to panic.

"I can't be on the verge dead.... No no no this is not happening. This can't be happening," I whisper to myself as I start falling to the floor.

I start to cry as people walk past me. I left Emily alone and A won. I get up when I see Emily come in and I run over to her, but I stop in my tracks when I noticed that she's been crying. I put her through this. I'm putting her through so much.

Emily sees someone and walk over to Abby. I quickly follow them.

"Did you talk to her," Emily asks.

"No she's still in surgery, but when she gets out and feels better I am telling her."

Emily looked down to the ground. "Can I please say goodbye before you tell her." Emily raises her head waiting for An answer.

"Fine." Abby says and she walks through me.

What is Emily hiding? It's must be really sad if it's making Emily cry. All of a sudden someone calls Emily's name. Emily turns around sees Bea. I roll my eyes as Emily walks over to her. I walk to where Bea and Emily is. Bea hugs Emily tight too much for my comfort. "Abby called me and I'm glad she did." Emily stops hugging Bea.

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